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Single Idea 16534

[filed under theme 12. Knowledge Sources / E. Direct Knowledge / 2. Intuition ]

Full Idea

I suspect that 'intuitions' and 'hunches' are pretty much the same thing, and pretty useless as sources of knowledge. …Things that seemed intuitively true to our forebears a century or two ago often by no means seem intuitively true to us now.

Gist of Idea

'Intuitions' are just unreliable 'hunches'; over centuries intuitions change enormously


E.J. Lowe (What is the Source of Knowledge of Modal Truths? [2013], 2)

Book Ref

-: 'Mind' [-], p.5

A Reaction

I don't accept this. Intuitions change a lot over the centuries because the reliable knowledge which informs intuitions has also changed a lot. Arguments and evidence may nail individual truths, but coherence must rest on intuition.

The 19 ideas from 'What is the Source of Knowledge of Modal Truths?'

'Epistemic' necessity is better called 'certainty' [Lowe]
Logical necessities, based on laws of logic, are a proper sub-class of metaphysical necessities [Lowe]
'Metaphysical' necessity is absolute and objective - the strongest kind of necessity [Lowe]
'Intuitions' are just unreliable 'hunches'; over centuries intuitions change enormously [Lowe]
A concept is a way of thinking of things or kinds, whether or not they exist [Lowe]
Explanation can't give an account of essence, because it is too multi-faceted [Lowe]
If an essence implies p, then p is an essential truth, and hence metaphysically necessary [Lowe]
Metaphysical necessity is either an essential truth, or rests on essential truths [Lowe]
We could give up possible worlds if we based necessity on essences [Lowe]
The essence of lumps and statues shows that two objects coincide but are numerically distinct [Lowe]
The essence of a bronze statue shows that it could be made of different bronze [Lowe]
A definition of a circle will show what it is, and show its generating principle [Lowe]
Defining an ellipse by conic sections reveals necessities, but not the essence of an ellipse [Lowe]
An essence is what an entity is, revealed by a real definition; this is not an entity in its own right [Lowe]
Simple things like 'red' can be given real ostensive definitions [Lowe]
H2O isn't necessary, because different laws of nature might affect how O and H combine [Lowe]
Grasping an essence is just grasping a real definition [Lowe]
If we must know some entity to know an essence, we lack a faculty to do that [Lowe]
Direct reference doesn't seem to require that thinkers know what it is they are thinking about [Lowe]