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Single Idea 1707

[filed under theme 7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 5. Reason for Existence ]

Full Idea

Perhaps the necessary and non-necessary are first principles of everything's either being or not being.

Gist of Idea

Maybe necessity and non-necessity are the first principles of ontology


Aristotle (On Interpretation [c.330 BCE], 23a18)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Categories and De Interpretatione', ed/tr. Ackrill,J.R. [OUP 1963], p.64

A Reaction

Is that 'first' in time, or in priority? If they are the grounds of being, how could there ever be non-necessary existents? Why would necessary being permit intruders?

The 19 ideas from 'On Interpretation'

Aristotle's later logic had to treat 'Socrates' as 'everything that is Socrates' [Potter on Aristotle]
For Aristotle meaning and reference are linked to concepts [Aristotle, by Putnam]
Spoken sounds vary between people, but are signs of affections of soul, which are the same for all [Aristotle]
A prayer is a sentence which is neither true nor false [Aristotle]
Things may be necessary once they occur, but not be unconditionally necessary [Aristotle]
It is necessary that either a sea-fight occurs tomorrow or it doesn't, though neither option is in itself necessary [Aristotle]
In talking of future sea-fights, Aristotle rejects bivalence [Aristotle, by Williamson]
Statements are true according to how things actually are [Aristotle]
It doesn't have to be the case that in opposed views one is true and the other false [Aristotle]
Non-existent things aren't made to exist by thought, because their non-existence is part of the thought [Aristotle]
Maybe necessity and non-necessity are the first principles of ontology [Aristotle]
In "Callias is just/not just/unjust", which of these are contraries? [Aristotle]
Square of Opposition: not both true, or not both false; one-way implication; opposite truth-values [Aristotle]
Modal Square 1: □P and ¬◊¬P are 'contraries' of □¬P and ¬◊P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]
Modal Square 2: ¬□¬P and ◊P are 'subcontraries' of ¬□P and ◊¬P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]
Modal Square 3: □P and ¬◊¬P are 'contradictories' of ¬□P and ◊¬P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]
Modal Square 4: □¬P and ¬◊P are 'contradictories' of ¬□¬P and ◊P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]
Modal Square 5: □P and ¬◊¬P are 'subalternatives' of ¬□¬P and ◊P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]
Modal Square 6: □¬P and ¬◊P are 'subalternatives' of ¬□P and ◊¬P [Aristotle, by Fitting/Mendelsohn]