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Single Idea 17410

[filed under theme 27. Natural Reality / F. Chemistry / 3. Periodic Table ]

Full Idea

Moseley's work showed that the successive elements in the periodic table have an atomic number greater by one unit. The gaps could then be identified definitively, as 43, 61, 72, 75, 85, 87, and 91.

Gist of Idea

Moseley showed the elements progress in units, and thereby clearly identified the gaps


Eric R. Scerri (The Periodic Table [2007], 06 'Henry')

Book Ref

Scerri,Eric R.: 'The Periodic Table' [OUP 2007], p.173

A Reaction


Related Ideas

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The 28 ideas from 'The Periodic Table'

How can poisonous elements survive in the nutritious compound they compose? [Scerri]
Scientists eventually seek underlying explanations for every pattern [Scerri]
Natural kinds are what are differentiated by nature, and not just by us [Scerri]
Periodicity and bonding are the two big ideas in chemistry [Scerri]
Elements were ordered by equivalent weight; later by atomic weight; finally by atomic number [Scerri]
The colour of gold is best explained by relativistic effects due to fast-moving inner-shell electrons [Scerri]
The periodic system is the big counterexample to Kuhn's theory of revolutionary science [Scerri]
19th C views said elements survived abstractly in compounds, but also as 'material ingredients' [Scerri]
The periodic table suggests accommodation to facts rates above prediction [Scerri]
Chemistry does not work from general principles, but by careful induction from large amounts of data [Scerri]
If a theory can be fudged, so can observations [Scerri]
Moseley showed the elements progress in units, and thereby clearly identified the gaps [Scerri]
Moseley, using X-rays, showed that atomic number ordered better than atomic weight [Scerri]
Some suggested basing the new periodic table on isotopes, not elements [Scerri]
The electron is the main source of chemical properties [Scerri]
If all elements are multiples of one (of hydrogen), that suggests once again that matter is unified [Scerri]
Does radioactivity show that only physics can explain chemistry? [Scerri]
Elements are placed in the table by the number of positive charges - the atomic number [Scerri]
Pauli explained the electron shells, but not the lengths of the periods in the table [Scerri]
Elements in the table are grouped by having the same number of outer-shell electrons [Scerri]
Orthodoxy says the periodic table is explained by quantum mechanics [Scerri]
A big chemistry idea is that covalent bonds are shared electrons, not transfer of electrons [Scerri]
To explain the table, quantum mechanics still needs to explain order of shell filling [Scerri]
Since 99.96% of the universe is hydrogen and helium, the periodic table hardly matters [Scerri]
The best classification needs the deepest and most general principles of the atoms [Scerri]
If elements are natural kinds, might the groups of the periodic table also be natural kinds? [Scerri]
It is now thought that all the elements have literally evolved from hydrogen [Scerri]
The stability of nuclei can be estimated through their binding energy [Scerri]