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Single Idea 17549

[filed under theme 26. Natural Theory / D. Laws of Nature / 2. Types of Laws ]

Full Idea

Science has seven closed systems of concepts and axioms: Newtonian mechanics; the theory of heat; electricity and magnetism; quantum theory; the theory of elementary particles; general relativity; and the theory of organic life.

Gist of Idea

Seven theories in science: mechanics, heat, electricity, quantum, particles, relativity, life


report of Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy [1958], 06) by PG - Db (ideas)

Book Ref

Heisenberg,Werner: 'Physics and Philosophy' [Penguin 1989], p.86

A Reaction

[my summary of pp.86-88 and 92] It is interesting to have spelled out that there are number of 'closed' theories, which are only loosely connected to one another. New discoveries launch whole new theories, instead of being subsumed.

The 18 ideas from Werner Heisenberg

You can only explain the qualities of large objects using entities which lack those qualities [Heisenberg]
If it can't be expressed mathematically, it can't occur in nature? [Heisenberg]
A 'probability wave' is a quantitative version of Aristotle's potential, a mid-way type of reality [Heisenberg]
Radiation interference needs waves, but radiation photoelectric effects needs particles [Heisenberg]
An atom's stability after collisions needs explaining (which Newton's mechanics can't do) [Heisenberg]
Position is complementary to velocity or momentum, so the whole system is indeterminate [Heisenberg]
Quantum theory does not introduce minds into atomic events [Heisenberg]
Basic particles have a mathematical form, which is more important than their substance [Heisenberg]
Energy is that which moves, and is the substance from which everything is made [Heisenberg]
Energy is an unchanging substance, having many forms, and causing all change [Heisenberg]
So-called 'empty' space is the carrier of geometry and kinematics [Heisenberg]
Quantum theory shows that exact science does not need dogmatic realism [Heisenberg]
We give a mathematical account of a system of natural connections in order to clarify them [Heisenberg]
Seven theories in science: mechanics, heat, electricity, quantum, particles, relativity, life [Heisenberg, by PG]
Maxwell introduced real fields, which transferred forces from point to point [Heisenberg]
In relativity the length of the 'present moment' is relative to distance from the observer [Heisenberg]
It was formerly assumed that electromagnetic waves could not be a reality in themselves [Heisenberg]
We can retain the idea of 'substance', as indestructible mass or energy [Heisenberg]