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Single Idea 17649

[filed under theme 26. Natural Theory / A. Speculations on Nature / 1. Nature ]

Full Idea

If there is but one world, it embraces a multiplicity of contrasting aspects; if there are many worlds, the collection of them all is one. One world may be taken as many, or many worlds taken as one; whether one or many depends on the way of taking.

Gist of Idea

If the world is one it has many aspects, and if there are many worlds they will collect into one


Nelson Goodman (Ways of Worldmaking [1978], 1.2)

Book Ref

Goodman,Nelson: 'Ways of Worldmaking' [Hackett 1984], p.2

A Reaction

He cites 'The Pluralistic Universe' by William James for this idea. The idea is that the distinction 'evaporates under analysis'. Parmenides seems to have thought that no features could be distinguished in the true One.

The 13 ideas from 'Ways of Worldmaking'

We lack frames of reference to transform physics, biology and psychology into one another [Goodman]
If the world is one it has many aspects, and if there are many worlds they will collect into one [Goodman]
Without words or other symbols, we have no world [Goodman]
A world can be full of variety or not, depending on how we sort it [Goodman]
Things can only be judged the 'same' by citing some respect of sameness [Goodman]
Grue and green won't be in the same world, as that would block induction entirely [Goodman]
Being primitive or prior always depends on a constructional system [Goodman]
Users of digital thermometers recognise no temperatures in the gaps [Goodman]
We build our world, and ignore anything that won't fit [Goodman]
Truth is irrelevant if no statements are involved [Goodman]
Reality is largely a matter of habit [Goodman]
We don't recognise patterns - we invent them [Goodman]
Discovery is often just finding a fit, like a jigsaw puzzle [Goodman]