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Single Idea 18256

[filed under theme 6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 3. Nature of Numbers / c. Priority of numbers ]

Full Idea

There is so intimate a connection between the concepts of addition and of quantity that one cannot begin to grasp the latter without the former.

Gist of Idea

Quantity is inconceivable without the idea of addition


Gottlob Frege (Rechnungsmethoden (dissertation) [1874], p.2), quoted by Michael Dummett - Frege philosophy of mathematics 22 'Quantit'

Book Ref

Dummett,Michael: 'Frege: philosophy of mathematics' [Duckworth 1991], p.279

A Reaction

Frege offers good reasons for making cardinals prior to ordinals, though plenty of people disagree.

Related Idea

Idea 18255 Addition of quantities is prior to ordering, as shown in cyclic domains like angles [Dummett]

The 19 ideas with the same theme [which type of numbers is the most fundamental?]:

One is prior to two, because its existence is implied by two [Aristotle]
God made the integers, all the rest is the work of man [Kronecker]
Dedekind defined the integers, rationals and reals in terms of just the natural numbers [Dedekind, by George/Velleman]
Order, not quantity, is central to defining numbers [Dedekind, by Monk]
Ordinals can define cardinals, as the smallest ordinal that maps the set [Dedekind, by Heck]
Cantor took the ordinal numbers to be primary [Cantor, by Tait]
Quantity is inconceivable without the idea of addition [Frege]
Could a number just be something which occurs in a progression? [Russell, by Hart,WD]
Some claim priority for the ordinals over cardinals, but there is no logical priority between them [Russell]
Ordinals presuppose two relations, where cardinals only presuppose one [Russell]
Properties of numbers don't rely on progressions, so cardinals may be more basic [Russell]
Von Neumann treated cardinals as a special sort of ordinal [Neumann, by Hart,WD]
Addition of quantities is prior to ordering, as shown in cyclic domains like angles [Dummett]
Ordinals seem more basic than cardinals, since we count objects in sequence [Dummett]
If numbers are basically the cardinals (Frege-Russell view) you could know some numbers in isolation [Benacerraf]
Benacerraf says numbers are defined by their natural ordering [Benacerraf, by Fine,K]
A cardinal is the earliest ordinal that has that number of predecessors [Bostock]
One could grasp numbers, and name sizes with them, without grasping ordering [Wright,C]
The natural numbers are primitive, and the ordinals are up one level of abstraction [Friend]