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Single Idea 18366

[filed under theme 7. Existence / C. Structure of Existence / 4. Ontological Dependence ]

Full Idea

For of things which reciprocate as to implication of existence, that which is in some way the cause of the other's existence might reasonably by called prior by nature.

Gist of Idea

Of interdependent things, the prior one causes the other's existence


Aristotle (Categories [c.331 BCE], 14b12)

Book Ref

Aristotle: 'Categories and De Interpretatione', ed/tr. Ackrill,J.R. [OUP 1963], p.39

A Reaction

Not so clear when you seek examples. The bus is prior to its redness, but you can't have a colourless bus, so being coloured is prior to being a bus. Aristotle's example is a man being prior to the truths about him.

Related Idea

Idea 18367 A true existence statement has its truth caused by the existence of the thing [Aristotle]

The 41 ideas from 'Categories'

Primary being must be more than mere indeterminate ultimate subject of predication [Politis on Aristotle]
Aristotle derived categories as answers to basic questions about nature, size, quality, location etc. [Aristotle, by Gill,ML]
Substance,Quantity,Quality,Relation,Place,Time,Being-in-a-position,Having,Doing,Being affected [Aristotle, by Westerhoff]
The categories (substance, quality, quantity, relation, action, passion, place, time) peter out inconsequentially [Benardete,JA on Aristotle]
Aristotle promoted the importance of properties and objects (rather than general and particular) [Aristotle, by Frede,M]
Aristotle gave up his earlier notion of individuals, because it relied on universals [Aristotle, by Frede,M]
Secondary substances do have subjects, so they are not ultimate in the ontology [Aristotle, by Frede,M]
In earlier Aristotle the substances were particulars, not kinds [Aristotle, by Lawson-Tancred]
Is primary substance just an ultimate subject, or some aspect of a complex body? [Aristotle, by Gill,ML]
Primary being is 'that which lies under', or 'particular substance' [Aristotle, by Politis]
Earlier Aristotle had objects as primary substances, but later he switched to substantial form [Aristotle, by Lowe]
Primary substances are ontological in 'Categories', and explanatory in 'Metaphysics' [Aristotle, by Wedin]
Aristotle denigrates the category of relation, but for modern absolutists self-relation is basic [Benardete,JA on Aristotle]
Only what can be said of many things is a predicable [Aristotle, by Wedin]
Aristotle said relations are not substances, so (if they exist) they must be accidents [Aristotle, by Heil]
Some things said 'of' a subject are not 'in' the subject [Aristotle]
Predications of predicates are predications of their subjects [Aristotle]
The differentiae of genera which are different are themselves different in kind [Aristotle]
There are ten basic categories for thinking about things [Aristotle]
A 'primary' substance is in each subject, with species or genera as 'secondary' substances [Aristotle]
Colour must be in an individual body, or it is not embodied [Aristotle]
We call them secondary 'substances' because they reveal the primary substances [Aristotle]
Genus and species are substances, because only they reveal the primary substance [Aristotle, by Wedin]
Things are called 'substances' because they are subjects for everything else [Aristotle]
A primary substance reveals a 'this', which is an individual unit [Aristotle]
Some predicates signify qualification of a substance, others the substance itself [Aristotle]
Substances have no opposites, and don't come in degrees (including if the substance is a man) [Aristotle]
A single substance can receive contrary properties [Aristotle]
Some quantities are discrete, like number, and others continuous, like lines, time and space [Aristotle]
Parts of a line join at a point, so it is continuous [Aristotle]
Without extensive examination firm statements are hard, but studying the difficulties is profitable [Aristotle]
It is not possible for fire to be cold or snow black [Aristotle]
Change goes from possession to loss (as in baldness), but not the other way round [Aristotle]
The contrary of good is bad, but the contrary of bad is either good or another evil [Aristotle]
Both sides of contraries need not exist (as health without sickness, white without black) [Aristotle]
One is prior to two, because its existence is implied by two [Aristotle]
A thing is prior to another if it implies its existence [Aristotle]
Of interdependent things, the prior one causes the other's existence [Aristotle]
A true existence statement has its truth caused by the existence of the thing [Aristotle]
There are six kinds of change: generation, destruction, increase, diminution, alteration, change of place [Aristotle]
Four species of quality: states, capacities, affects, and forms [Aristotle, by Pasnau]