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Single Idea 1849

[filed under theme 16. Persons / F. Free Will / 4. For Free Will ]

Full Idea

Reasoning powers can entertain opposite objects. Now will is a reasoning power, so will can entertain opposites and is not compelled to embrace one of them.

Gist of Idea

Since will is a reasoning power, it can entertain opposites, so it is not compelled to embrace one of them


Thomas Aquinas (Quaestiones Disputatae de Malo [1271], Q6.x2)

Book Ref

Aquinas,Thomas: 'Selected Philosophical Writings', ed/tr. McDermott,Timothy [OUP 1993], p.175

The 109 ideas from Thomas Aquinas

Wise people should contemplate and discuss the truth, and fight against falsehood [Aquinas]
Eternity coexists with passing time, as the centre of a circle coexists with its circumference [Aquinas]
Without God's influence every operation would stop, so God causes everything [Aquinas]
The principle of diversity for corporeal substances is their matter [Aquinas, by Cover/O'Leary-Hawthorne]
If definitions must be general, and general terms can't individuate, then Socrates can't be defined [Aquinas, by Cover/O'Leary-Hawthorne]
If the form of 'human' contains 'many', Socrates isn't human; if it contains 'one', Socrates is Plato [Aquinas]
The mind constructs complete attributions, based on the unified elements of the real world [Aquinas]
A simple substance is its own essence [Aquinas]
A cause can exist without its effect, but the effect cannot exist without its cause [Aquinas]
The definitions expressing identity are used to sort things [Aquinas]
If affirmative propositions express being, we affirm about what is absent [Aquinas]
Essence is something in common between the natures which sort things into categories [Aquinas]
Definition of essence makes things understandable [Aquinas]
Properties have an incomplete essence, with definitions referring to their subject [Aquinas]
The definition of a physical object must include the material as well as the form [Aquinas]
It is by having essence that things exist [Aquinas]
Specific individual essence is defined by material, and generic essence is defined by form [Aquinas]
Philosophy aims to know the truth about the way things are [Aquinas]
Different genera are delimited by modes of predication, which rest on modes of being [Aquinas]
If the soul achieves well-being in another life, it doesn't follow that I do [Aquinas]
The fullest knowledge places a conclusion within an accurate theory [Aquinas, by Kretzmann/Stump]
'One' can mean undivided and not a multitude, or it can add measurement, giving number [Aquinas]
One thing needs a single thing to unite it; if there were two forms, something must unite them [Aquinas]
The will can only want what it thinks is good [Aquinas]
The will must aim at happiness, but can choose the means [Aquinas]
We are coerced into assent to a truth by reason's violence [Aquinas]
Nothing can be willed except what is good, but good is very varied, and so choices are unpredictable [Aquinas]
We don't have to will even perfect good, because we can choose not to think of it [Aquinas]
The mind is compelled by necessary truths, but not by contingent truths [Aquinas]
Even a sufficient cause doesn't compel its effect, because interference could interrupt the process [Aquinas]
Knowledge may be based on senses, but we needn't sense all our knowledge [Aquinas]
The will is not compelled to move, even if pleasant things are set before it [Aquinas]
However habituated you are, given time to ponder you can go against a habit [Aquinas]
If we saw something as totally and utterly good, we would be compelled to will it [Aquinas]
Because the will moves by examining alternatives, it doesn't compel itself to will [Aquinas]
Without free will not only is ethical action meaningless, but also planning, commanding, praising and blaming [Aquinas]
Good applies to goals, just as truth applies to ideas in the mind [Aquinas]
We must admit that when the will is not willing something, the first movement to will must come from outside the will [Aquinas]
For the mind Good is one truth among many, and Truth is one good among many [Aquinas]
Since will is a reasoning power, it can entertain opposites, so it is not compelled to embrace one of them [Aquinas]
Being is basic to thought, and all other concepts are additions to being [Aquinas]
Truth is the conformity of being to intellect [Aquinas]
Minds take in a likeness of things, which activates an awaiting potential [Aquinas]
Initial universal truths are present within us as potential, to be drawn out by reason [Aquinas]
Senses grasp external properties, but the understanding grasps the essential natures of things [Aquinas]
Whiteness does not exist, but by it something can exist-as-white [Aquinas]
Heretics should be eradicated like wolves [Aquinas]
Arguing with opponents uncovers truths, and restrains falsehoods [Aquinas]
Life aims at the Beatific Vision - of perfect happiness, and revealed truth [Aquinas, by Zagzebski]
Aquinas saw angels as separated forms, rather than as made of 'spiritual matter' [Aquinas, by Kretzmann/Stump]
If you assume that there must be a necessary being, you can't say which being has this quality [Kant on Aquinas]
Aquinas attributes freedom to decisions and judgements, and not to the will alone [Aquinas, by Kretzmann/Stump]
Sensations are transmitted to 'internal senses' in the brain, chiefly to 'phantasia' and 'imagination' [Aquinas, by Kretzmann/Stump]
Aquinas wanted, not to escape desire, but to transform it for moral ends [Aquinas, by MacIntyre]
Aquinas says a fertilized egg is not human, and has no immortal soul [Aquinas, by Martin/Barresi]
Some things are self-evident to us; others are only self-evident in themselves [Aquinas]
A proposition is self-evident if the predicate is included in the essence of the subject [Aquinas]
We can't know God's essence, so his existence can't be self-evident for us [Aquinas]
If the existence of truth is denied, the 'Truth does not exist' must be true! [Aquinas]
Abstracting A from B generates truth, as long as the connection is not denied [Aquinas]
We understand the general nature of things by ignoring individual peculiarities [Aquinas]
Very general ideas (being, oneness, potentiality) can be abstracted from thought matter in general [Aquinas]
The mind abstracts generalities from images, but also uses images for understanding [Aquinas]
The mind must produce by its own power an image of the individual species [Aquinas]
Mathematical objects abstract both from perceived matter, and from particular substance [Aquinas]
Particular instances come first, and (pace Plato) generalisations are abstracted from them [Aquinas]
Mental activity combines what we sense with imagination of what is not present [Aquinas]
Being implies distinctness, which implies division, unity, and multitude [Aquinas]
Humans have a non-physical faculty of reason, so they can be immortal [Aquinas, by Sorabji]
Temperance prevents our passions from acting against reason [Aquinas]
For humans good is accordance with reason, and bad is contrary to reason [Aquinas]
Tyrannical laws are irrational, and so not really laws [Aquinas]
Right and wrong actions pertain to natural law, as perceived by practical reason [Aquinas]
Bodies are three-dimensional substances [Aquinas]
Humans only have a single substantial form, which contains the others and acts for them [Aquinas]
A knowing being possesses a further reality, the 'presence' of the thing known [Aquinas]
God does not exist, because He is infinite and good, and so no evil should be discoverable [Aquinas]
It is part of God's supreme goodness that He brings good even out of evil [Aquinas]
Supposing many principles is superfluous if a few will do it [Aquinas]
Non-human things are explicable naturally, and voluntary things by the will, so God is not needed [Aquinas]
Way 1: the infinite chain of potential-to-actual movement has to have a first mover [Aquinas]
Way 3: contingent beings eventually vanish, so continuity needs a necessary being [Aquinas]
Way 2: no effect without a cause, and this cannot go back to infinity, so there is First Cause [Aquinas]
Way 4: the source of all qualities is their maximum, so something (God) causes all perfections [Aquinas]
Way 5: mindless things act towards an obvious end, so there is an intelligent director [Aquinas]
The human intellectual soul is an incorporeal, subsistent principle [Aquinas]
First grasp what it is, then its essential features; judgement is their compounding and division [Aquinas]
For Aquinas a war must be in a just cause, have proper authority, and aim at good [Aquinas, by Grayling]
If a syllogism admits one absurdity, others must follow [Aquinas]
Sensation prepares the way for intellectual knowledge, which needs the virtues of reason [Aquinas]
Natural law is a rational creature's participation in eternal law [Aquinas]
The conclusions of speculative reason about necessities are certain [Aquinas]
Truth is universal, but knowledge of it is not [Aquinas]
Those in bliss have their happiness increased by seeing the damned punished [Aquinas]
We must know the end, know that it is the end, and know how to attain it [Aquinas]
Justice directs our relations with others, because it denotes a kind of equality [Aquinas]
Divine law commands some things because they are good, while others are good because commanded [Aquinas]
People differ in their social degrees, and a particular type of right applies to each [Aquinas]
The will is the rational appetite [Aquinas]
All acts of virtue relate to justice, which is directed towards the common good [Aquinas]
Legal justice is supreme, because it directs the other virtues to the common good [Aquinas]
Types of lying: Speak lies, intend lies, intend deception, aim at deceptive goal? [Aquinas, by Tuckness/Wolf]
We can just think of an apple's colour, because the apple is not part of the colour's nature [Aquinas]
Abstracting either treats something as separate, or thinks of it separately [Aquinas]
We abstract forms from appearances, and acquire knowledge of immaterial things [Aquinas]
Numbers and shapes are abstracted by ignoring their sensible qualities [Aquinas]
Mathematics can be abstracted from sensible matter, and from individual intelligible matter [Aquinas]
Species are abstracted from appearances by ignoring individual conditions [Aquinas]
Understanding consists entirely of grasping abstracted species [Aquinas]