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Single Idea 19200

[filed under theme 19. Language / D. Propositions / 1. Propositions ]

Full Idea

The thesis that propositions are sets of possible worlds is one of the two leading accounts of the nature of propositions. The other leading account endorses structured propositions.

Gist of Idea

Propositions are standardly treated as possible worlds, or as structured


Trenton Merricks (Propositions [2015], Intro)

Book Ref

Merricks,Trenton: 'Propositions' [OUP 2015], p.-3

A Reaction

Merricks sets out to reject both main views. I take the idea that propositions actually are sets of possible worlds to be ridiculous (though they may offer a way of modelling them). The idea that they have no structure at all strikes me as odd.

The 73 ideas from Trenton Merricks

Eternalism says all times are equally real, and future and past objects and properties are real [Merricks]
Growing block has a subjective present and a growing edge - but these could come apart [Merricks, by PG]
Merricks agrees that there are no composite objects, but offers a different semantics [Merricks, by Liggins]
Empirical investigation can't discover if holes exist, or if two things share a colour [Merricks]
I say that most of the objects of folk ontology do not exist [Merricks]
'Composition' says things are their parts; 'constitution' says a whole substance is an object [Merricks]
We can eliminate objects without a commitment to simples [Merricks]
Objects decompose (it seems) into non-overlapping parts that fill its whole region [Merricks]
'Unrestricted composition' says any two things can make up a third thing [Merricks]
Composition as identity is false, as identity is never between a single thing and many things [Merricks]
Composition as identity is false, as it implies that things never change their parts [Merricks]
If my counterpart is happy, that is irrelevant to whether I 'could' have been happy [Merricks]
Is swimming pool water an object, composed of its mass or parts? [Merricks]
A crumbling statue can't become vague, because vagueness is incoherent [Merricks]
Eliminativism about objects gives the best understanding of the Sorites paradox [Merricks]
It seems wrong that constitution entails that two objects are wholly co-located [Merricks]
Clay does not 'constitute' a statue, as they have different persistence conditions (flaking, squashing) [Merricks]
Maybe the word 'I' can only refer to persons [Merricks]
There is no visible difference between statues, and atoms arranged statuewise [Merricks]
Prolonged events don't seem to endure or exist at any particular time [Merricks]
The 'folk' way of carving up the world is not intrinsically better than quite arbitrary ways [Merricks]
You hold a child in your arms, so it is not mental substance, or mental state, or software [Merricks]
Intrinsic properties are those an object still has even if only that object exists [Merricks]
Before Creation it is assumed that God still had many many mental properties [Merricks]
The hypothesis of solipsism doesn't seem to be made incoherent by the nature of mental properties [Merricks]
Human organisms can exercise downward causation [Merricks]
Free will and determinism are incompatible, since determinism destroys human choice [Merricks]
The 'warrant' for a belief is what turns a true belief into knowledge [Merricks]
If atoms 'arranged baseballwise' break a window, that analytically entails that a baseball did it [Merricks, by Thomasson]
Overdetermination: the atoms do all the causing, so the baseball causes no breakage [Merricks]
Propositions are standardly treated as possible worlds, or as structured [Merricks]
Propositions are necessary existents which essentially (but inexplicably) represent things [Merricks]
Propositions can be 'about' an entity, but that doesn't make the entity a constituent of it [Merricks]
A sentence's truth conditions depend on context [Merricks]
True propositions existed prior to their being thought, and might never be thought [Merricks]
'Snow is white' only contingently expresses the proposition that snow is white [Merricks]
Sentence logic maps truth values; predicate logic maps objects and sets [Merricks]
'Cicero is an orator' represents the same situation as 'Tully is an orator', so they are one proposition [Merricks]
Simple Quantified Modal Logc doesn't work, because the Converse Barcan is a theorem [Merricks]
The Converse Barcan implies 'everything exists necessarily' is a consequence of 'necessarily, everything exists' [Merricks]
The standard view of propositions says they never change their truth-value [Merricks]
Early Russell says a proposition is identical with its truthmaking state of affairs [Merricks]
Unity of the proposition questions: what unites them? can the same constituents make different ones? [Merricks]
We want to explain not just what unites the constituents, but what unites them into a proposition [Merricks]
In twinning, one person has the same origin as another person [Merricks]
I don't accept that if a proposition is directly about an entity, it has a relation to the entity [Merricks]
Arguers often turn the opponent's modus ponens into their own modus tollens [Merricks]
Truthmaker isn't the correspondence theory, because it offers no analysis of truth [Merricks]
If the correspondence theory is right, then necessary truths must correspond to something [Merricks]
Fregeans say 'hobbits do not exist' is just 'being a hobbit' is not exemplified [Merricks]
The totality state is the most plausible truthmaker for negative existential truths [Merricks]
It is implausible that claims about non-existence are about existing things [Merricks]
If a ball changes from red to white, Truthmaker says some thing must make the change true [Merricks]
If 'truth supervenes on being', worlds with the same entities, properties and relations have the same truths [Merricks]
Truthmaker demands not just a predication, but an existing state of affairs with essential ingredients [Merricks]
Truthmaker says if an entity is removed, some nonexistence truthmaker must replace it [Merricks]
If truth supervenes on being, that won't explain why truth depends on being [Merricks]
If 'Fido is possibly black' depends on Fido's counterparts, then it has no actual truthmaker [Merricks]
If Truthmaker says each truth is made by the existence of something, the theory had de re modality at is core [Merricks]
Presentists say that things have existed and will exist, not that they are instantaneous [Merricks]
Presentist should deny there is a present time, and just say that things 'exist' [Merricks]
How can a presentist explain an object's having existed? [Merricks]
Truthmaker needs truths to be 'about' something, and that is often unclear [Merricks]
You believe you existed last year, but your segment doesn't, so they have different beliefs [Merricks]
Maybe only presentism allows change, by now having a property, and then lacking it [Merricks]
Speculations about non-existent things are not about existent things, so Truthmaker is false [Merricks]
I am a truthmaker for 'that a human exists', but is it about me? [Merricks]
Some properties seem to be primitive, but others can be analysed [Merricks]
A ground must be about its truth, and not just necessitate it [Merricks]
An object can have a disposition when the revelant conditional is false [Merricks]
Counterfactuals aren't about actuality, so they lack truthmakers or a supervenience base [Merricks]
Being true is not a relation, it is a primitive monadic property [Merricks]
Deflationism just says there is no property of being truth [Merricks]