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Single Idea 19264

[filed under theme 18. Thought / C. Content / 1. Content ]

Full Idea

A representation cannot accidentally be about an object. Aboutness is in general an intentional relation.

Gist of Idea

Aboutness is always intended, and cannot be accidental


Anand Vaidya (Understanding and Essence [2010], 'Objections')

Book Ref

-: 'Philosophia' [-], p.326

A Reaction

'Intentional' with a 't', not with an 's'. This strikes me as important. Critics dislike the idea of 'representation' because if you passively place a representation and its subject together, what makes the image do the representing job? Answer: I do!

The 9 ideas from Anand Vaidya

How do you know you have conceived a thing deeply enough to assess its possibility? [Vaidya]
If 2-D conceivability can a priori show possibilities, this is a defence of conceptual analysis [Vaidya]
Inconceivability (implying impossibility) may be failure to conceive, or incoherence [Vaidya]
Define conceivable; how reliable is it; does inconceivability help; and what type of possibility results? [Vaidya]
In a disjunctive case, the justification comes from one side, and the truth from the other [Vaidya]
Gettier deductive justifications split the justification from the truthmaker [Vaidya]
Essential properties are necessary, but necessary properties may not be essential [Vaidya]
Can you possess objective understanding without realising it? [Vaidya]
Aboutness is always intended, and cannot be accidental [Vaidya]