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Single Idea 19484

[filed under theme 18. Thought / B. Mechanics of Thought / 1. Psychology ]

Full Idea

Psychologists have long thought that measuring on a scale of just five personality dimensions - agreeableness, extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and openness to new experiences - can capture all human variations in behaviour and attitude.

Gist of Idea

Psychologists measure personality along five dimensions


New Scientist writers (New Scientist articles [2013], 2015.06.13)

Book Ref

-: 'New Scientist magazine' [ 2013], p.11

A Reaction

Researchers are considering a sixth - called 'honesty-humility' - which is roughly how devious people are. The five mentioned here seem to be a well entrenched orthodoxy among professional psychologists. Is personality more superficial than character?

The 26 ideas from 'New Scientist articles'

Hilbert Space is an abstraction representing all possible states of a quantum system [New Sci.]
Chemistry just needs the periodic table, and protons, electrons and neutrinos [New Sci.]
We are halfway to synthesising any molecule we want [New Sci.]
Relativity makes time and space jointly basic; quantum theory splits them, and prioritises time [New Sci.]
General relativity predicts black holes, as former massive stars, and as galaxy centres [New Sci.]
Quantum states are measured by external time, of unknown origin [New Sci.]
The Schrödinger equation describes the evolution of an object's wave function in Hilbert space [New Sci.]
String theory needs at least 10 space-time dimensions [New Sci.]
Light moves at a constant space-time speed, but its direction is in neither space nor time [New Sci.]
No one has yet devised a rationality test [New Sci.]
About a third of variation in human intelligence is environmental [New Sci.]
People can be highly intelligent, yet very stupid [New Sci.]
84.5 percent of the universe is made of dark matter [New Sci.]
Current physics says matter and antimatter should have reduced to light at the big bang [New Sci.]
CP violation shows a decay imbalance in matter and antimatter, leading to matter's dominance [New Sci.]
Psychologists measure personality along five dimensions [New Sci.]
In string theory space-time has a grainy indivisible substructure [New Sci.]
Space-time may be a geometrical manifestation of quantum entanglement [New Sci.]
It is impossible for find a model of actuality among the innumerable models in string theory [New Sci.]
Black holes have entropy, but general relativity says they are unstructured, and lack entropy [New Sci.]
Neural networks can extract the car-ness of a car, or the chair-ness of a chair [New Sci.]
A system can infer the structure of the world by making predictions about it [New Sci.]
Quantum theory relies on a clock outside the system - but where is it located? [New Sci.]
Einstein's merging of time with space has left us confused about the nature of time [New Sci.]
Entropy is the only time-asymmetric law, so time may be linked to entropy [New Sci.]
Entropy is puzzling, so we may need to build new laws which include time directionality [New Sci.]