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Single Idea 19756

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / A. Basis of a State / 1. A People / a. Human distinctiveness ]

Full Idea

It is not so much understanding which causes the specific distinction of man from all other animals as it is his being a free agent.

Gist of Idea

Humans are less distinguished from other animals by understanding, than by being free agents


Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Discourse on the Origin of Inequality [1754], Part I)

Book Ref

Rousseau,Jean-Jacques: 'The Basic Political Writings', ed/tr. Cress,Donald A. [Hackett 1987], p.45

A Reaction

I'm not sure how deep Rousseau takes 'free' to go. Having little enthusiasm for free will, I would say that we are distinguished by the complexity of our decision making. But I attribute that to meta-thought, the mark of humanity.

The 132 ideas from Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The nature of people is decided by the government and politics of their society [Rousseau]
We all owe labour in return for our keep, and every idle citizen is a thief [Rousseau]
Feelings are prior to intelligence; we should be content to live with our simplest feelings [Rousseau]
Revolutionaries usually confuse liberty with total freedom, and end up with heavier chains [Rousseau]
Plebiscites are bad, because they exclude the leaders from crucial decisions [Rousseau]
In a direct democracy, only the leaders should be able to propose new laws [Rousseau]
Like rich food, liberty can ruin people who are too weak to cope with it [Rousseau]
People must be made dependent before they can be enslaved [Rousseau]
Primitive people simply redressed the evil caused by violence, without thought of punishing [Rousseau]
Men started with too few particular names, but later had too few natural kind names [Rousseau]
Small uninterrupted causes can have big effects [Rousseau]
Reason leads to prudent selfishness, which overrules natural compassion [Rousseau]
Humans are less distinguished from other animals by understanding, than by being free agents [Rousseau]
Most human ills are self-inflicted; the simple, solitary, regular natural life is good [Rousseau]
Is language a pre-requisite for society, or might it emerge afterwards? [Rousseau]
I doubt whether a savage person ever complains of life, or considers suicide [Rousseau]
Savages avoid evil because they are calm, and never think of it (not because they know goodness) [Rousseau]
No one would bother to reason, and try to know things, without a desire for enjoyment [Rousseau]
Only words can introduce general ideas into the mind [Rousseau]
General ideas are purely intellectual; imagining them is immediately particular [Rousseau]
Language may aid thinking, but powerful thought was needed to produce language [Rousseau]
Without love, what use is beauty? [Rousseau]
Rational morality is OK for brainy people, but ordinary life can't rely on that [Rousseau]
The better Golden Rule is 'do good for yourself without harming others' [Rousseau]
The fact that we weep (e.g. in theatres) shows that we are naturally compassionate [Rousseau]
Savage men quietly pursue desires, without the havoc of modern frenzied imagination [Rousseau]
A savage can steal fruit or a home, but there is no means of achieving obedience [Rousseau]
In a state of nature people are much more equal; it is society which increases inequalities [Rousseau]
It is against nature for children to rule old men, fools to rule the wise, and the rich to hog resources [Rousseau]
Leisure led to envy, inequality, vice and revenge, which we now see in savages [Rousseau]
Primitive man was very gentle [Rousseau]
We seem to have made individual progress since savagery, but actually the species has decayed [Rousseau]
People accept the right to be commanded, because they themselves wish to command [Rousseau]
A state of war remains after a conquest, if the losers don't accept the winners [Rousseau]
Persuading other people that some land was 'owned' was the beginning of society [Rousseau]
What else could property arise from, but the labour people add to it? [Rousseau]
Land cultivation led to a general right of ownership, administered justly [Rousseau]
Enslaved peoples often boast of their condition, calling it a state of 'peace' [Rousseau]
Three stages of the state produce inequalities of wealth, power, and enslavement [Rousseau]
The pleasure of wealth and power is largely seeing others deprived of them [Rousseau]
If the child of a slave woman is born a slave, then a man is not born a man [Rousseau]
If we have a natural right to property, what exactly does 'belonging to' mean? [Rousseau]
Writers just propose natural law as the likely useful agreements among people [Rousseau]
Both men and animals are sentient, which should give the latter the right not to be mistreated [Rousseau]
If we should not mistreat humans, it is mainly because of sentience, not rationality [Rousseau]
Our two starting principles are concern for self-interest, and compassion for others [Rousseau]
Rousseau assumes that laws need a people united by custom and tradition [Rousseau, by Wolff,J]
Rousseau insists that popular sovereignty needs a means of expressing consent [Rousseau, by Oksala]
The social order is a sacred right, but based on covenants, not nature [Rousseau]
Man is born free, and he is everywhere in chains [Rousseau]
Force can only dominate if it is seen as a right, and obedience as a duty [Rousseau]
No man has any natural authority over his fellows [Rousseau]
Natural mankind is too fragmented for states of peace, or of war and enmity [Rousseau]
Without freedom of will actions lack moral significance [Rousseau]
War gives no right to inflict more destruction than is necessary for victory [Rousseau]
Minorities only accept majority-voting because of a prior unanimous agreement [Rousseau]
The act of becoming 'a people' is the real foundation of society [Rousseau]
To overcome obstacles, people must unite their forces into a single unified power [Rousseau]
The social pact is the total subjection of individuals to the general will [Rousseau]
We need a protective association which unites forces, but retains individual freedom [Rousseau]
If we all give up all of our rights together to the community, we will always support one another [Rousseau]
To foreign powers a state is seen as a simple individual [Rousseau]
The act of association commits citizens to the state, and the state to its citizens [Rousseau]
Individual citizens still retain a private will, which may be contrary to the general will [Rousseau]
Citizens must ultimately for forced to accept the general will (so freedom is compulsory!) [Rousseau]
In society man loses natural liberty, but gains a right to civil liberty and property [Rousseau]
Appetite alone is slavery, and self-prescribed laws are freedom [Rousseau]
The social compact imposes conventional equality of rights on people who may start unequally [Rousseau]
Private property must always be subordinate to ownership by the whole community [Rousseau]
Ancient monarchs were kings of peoples; modern monarchs more cleverly rule a land [Rousseau]
Silence of the people implies their consent [Rousseau]
Sovereignty is the exercise of the general will, which can never be delegated [Rousseau]
The general will is common interest; the will of all is the sum of individual desires [Rousseau]
The general will is always right, but the will of all can err, because it includes private interests [Rousseau]
If the state contains associations there are fewer opinions, undermining the general will [Rousseau]
If a large knowledgeable population votes in isolation, their many choices will have good results [Rousseau]
The general will changes its nature when it focuses on particulars [Rousseau]
Just as people control their limbs, the general-will state has total control of its members [Rousseau]
We alienate to society only what society needs - but society judges that, not us [Rousseau]
Both nature and reason require that everything has a cause [Rousseau]
Only people who are actually dangerous should be executed, even as an example [Rousseau]
A trial proves that a criminal has broken the social treaty, and is no longer a member of the state [Rousseau]
We accept the death penalty to prevent assassinations, so we must submit to it if necessary [Rousseau]
Natural justice, without sanctions, benefits the wicked, who exploit it [Rousseau]
The general will is always good, but sometimes misunderstood [Rousseau]
Human nature changes among a people, into a moral and partial existence [Rousseau]
A state must be big enough to preserve itself, but small enough to be governable [Rousseau]
Too much land is a struggle, producing defensive war; too little makes dependence, and offensive war [Rousseau]
A state's purpose is liberty and equality - liberty for strength, and equality for liberty [Rousseau]
The greatest social good comes down to freedom and equality [Rousseau]
No citizen should be rich enough to buy another, and none so poor as forced to sell himself [Rousseau]
The state ensures liberty, so civil law separates citizens, and binds them to the state [Rousseau]
Political laws are fundamental, as they firmly organise the state - but they could still be changed [Rousseau]
Citizens should be independent of each other, and very dependent on the state [Rousseau]
The state has a legislature and an executive, just like the will and physical power in a person [Rousseau]
I call the executive power the 'government', which is the 'prince' - a single person, or a group [Rousseau]
If the state enlarges, the creators of the general will become less individually powerful [Rousseau]
If the population is larger, the government needs to be more powerful [Rousseau]
Large populations needs stronger control, which means power should be concentrated [Rousseau]
Democracy for small states, aristocracy for intermediate, monarchy for large [Rousseau]
If the sovereign entrusts government to at least half the citizens, that is 'democracy' [Rousseau]
Law makers and law implementers should be separate [Rousseau]
Natural aristocracy is primitive, and hereditary is dreadful, but elective aristocracy is best [Rousseau]
Natural aristocracy is primitive, hereditary is bad, and elective aristocracy is the best [Rousseau]
Democracy leads to internal strife, as people struggle to maintain or change ways of ruling [Rousseau]
When ministers change the state changes, because they always reverse policies [Rousseau]
Democratic elections are dangerous intervals in government [Rousseau]
Large states need a nobility to fill the gap between a single prince and the people [Rousseau]
The highest officers under a monarchy are normally useless; the public could choose much better [Rousseau]
Attempts to train future kings don't usually work, and the best have been unprepared [Rousseau]
Hereditary monarchy is easier, but can lead to dreadful monarchs [Rousseau]
The amount of taxation doesn't matter, if it quickly circulates back to the citizens [Rousseau]
If inhabitants are widely dispersed, organising a revolt is much more difficult [Rousseau]
The measure of a successful state is increase in its population [Rousseau]
The flourishing of arts and letters is too much admired [Rousseau]
Laws are authentic acts of the general will [Rousseau]
A citizen is a subject who is also sovereign [Rousseau]
Sometimes full liberty is only possible at the expense of some complete enslavement [Rousseau]
The English are actually slaves in between elections [Rousseau]
The state is not bound to leave civil authority to its leaders [Rousseau]
Assemblies must always confirm the form of government, and the current administration [Rousseau]
The government is instituted by a law, not by a contract [Rousseau]
The more unanimous the assembly, the stronger the general will becomes [Rousseau]
We can never assume that the son of a slave is a slave [Rousseau]
The sovereignty does not appoint the leaders [Rousseau]
In early theocracies the god was the king, and there were as many gods as nations [Rousseau]
By separating theological and political systems, Jesus caused divisions in the state [Rousseau]
Every society has a religion as its base [Rousseau]
Civil religion needs one supreme god, an afterlife, justice, and the sanctity of the social contract [Rousseau]
All religions should be tolerated, if they tolerate each other, and support citizenship [Rousseau]
A tyrant exploits Christians because they don't value this life, and are made to be slaves [Rousseau]
Wars are between States, not people, and the individuals are enemies by accident [Rousseau]