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Single Idea 20088

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / C. Ruling a State / 2. Leaders / d. Elites ]

Full Idea

Technocracy is a system where experts are charged with looking after the public interest. ...Technocrats are managers who replace politicians, so they can concentrate on long-term solutions and announce unpopular measures.

Gist of Idea

Technocrats are expert managers, who replace politicians, and can be long-term and unpopular


David van Reybrouck (Against Elections [2013], 2 'technocracy')

Book Ref

Reybrouck,David van: 'Against Elections', ed/tr. Waters,Liz [Bodley Head 2016], p.21

A Reaction

I like technocrats. They just need to be accountable. In the UK we have far more respect for the governor of the Bank of England than for any politician.

The 23 ideas with the same theme [rule of a small group, by talent, birth or wealth]:

Men of the highest calibre avoid political life completely [Kongzi (Confucius)]
Only rule by philosophers of integrity can keep a community healthy [Plato]
Reluctant rulers make a better and more unified administration [Plato]
People who buy public office will probably expect to profit from it [Aristotle]
The only virtue special to a ruler is practical wisdom [Aristotle]
The rich can claim to rule, because of land ownership, and being more trustworthy [Aristotle]
The guardians should not be harsh to strangers, as no one should behave like that [Aristotle]
If the nobility is numerous, the senate is the artistocracy, and the nobles are a democracy [Montesquieu]
Aristocracy is democratic if they resemble the people, but not if they resemble the monarch [Montesquieu]
Great inequality between aristocrats and the rest is bad - and also among aristocrats themselves [Montesquieu]
Nobility either share in the power of the whole, or they compose the power of the whole [Hume]
Natural aristocracy is primitive, and hereditary is dreadful, but elective aristocracy is best [Rousseau]
Natural aristocracy is primitive, hereditary is bad, and elective aristocracy is the best [Rousseau]
Large states need a nobility to fill the gap between a single prince and the people [Rousseau]
Hereditary nobility has not been earned, and probably won't be earned [Kant]
Aristocracy is constituted by inherited landed property [Tocqueville]
Only aristocratic societies can elevate the human species [Nietzsche]
A healthy aristocracy has no qualms about using multitudes of men as instruments [Nietzsche]
The controlling morality of aristocracy is the desire to resemble their ancestors [Nietzsche]
Technocrats may be efficient, but they lose legitimacy as soon as they do unpopular things [Reybrouck]
Technocrats are expert managers, who replace politicians, and can be long-term and unpopular [Reybrouck]
If winning elections depends on wealth, we have plutocracy instead of democracy [Tuckness/Wolf]
'If you're aristocratic,' said Nietzsche... [Sommers,W]