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Single Idea 20282

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / c. Life ]

Full Idea

The doctrine of the sanctity of human life has two separate claims, one that there is a special value in the life of a member of our species, and the other that there is a special value in the life of a person.

Gist of Idea

The sanctity of a human life depends either on being of our species, or on being a person


Peter Singer (Practical Ethics [1979], 04)

Book Ref

Singer,Peter: 'Practical Ethics' [CUP 1989], p.78

A Reaction

These don't seem 'separate'. Value cats but not this cat? Value this cat but not cats? In a car crash we value each individual simply because they are people.

The 16 ideas from Peter Singer

Materialist history says we are subject to incomprehensible forces [Singer]
In Marxism the state will be superseded [Singer]
Conflict of rules might be avoided by greater complexity, or by a hierarchy of rules [Singer]
'Marginal utility' says something is more useful if it is in short supply [Singer]
Equality of interests is a minimal principle, not implying equal treatment [Singer]
Equality of opportunity unfairly rewards those lucky enough to have great ability [Singer]
Why should I do anything for posterity? What has posterity ever done for me? [Singer]
The sanctity of a human life depends either on being of our species, or on being a person [Singer]
Killing a chimp is worse than killing a human too defective to be a person [Singer]
Why should a potential person have the rights of an actual person? [Singer]
If a right entails having the relevant desire, many creatures might have no right to life [Singer]
If 49% of the population can be wrong, so can 51% [Singer]
Following an inner voice for morality is irresponsible in a rational agent [Singer]
You can't condemn violent revolution without assessing the evils it prevents [Singer]
Psychopaths may just be bored, because they cannot participate in normal emotional life [Singer]
Ethics is universalisable - it must involve an impartial and universal view of things [Singer]