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Single Idea 20542

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / B. Nature of a State / 4. Citizenship ]

Full Idea

Cosmopolitans who claim that the same distributive principles should apply to all human beings seem to be denying that different states may make different judgements about how they want to allocate resources among their members.


'Cosmopolitans' see themselves as world citizens

Gist of Idea

Cosmopolitans reject the right of different states to distribute resources in different ways


Adam Swift (Political Philosophy (3rd ed) [2014], 1 'Social')

Book Ref

Swift,Adam: 'Political Philosophy (3rd edn)' [Polity 2014], p.52

A Reaction

If you want to be a citizen of the world, you have to face up to the pluralistic character of cultures. Do you thereby want to be a citizen of both California and Saudi Arabia? Or are you actually just becoming a citizen of nowhere?

The 24 ideas from Adam Swift

The best way to build a cohesive community is to be involved in a war [Swift]
Justice can be seen as fairness or entitlement or desert [Swift]
You can't necessarily sell your legitimate right to something, even if you produced it [Swift]
Redistributing wealth treats some people as means, rather than as ends [Swift]
Inequalities are needed, as incentives to do the most important jobs [Swift]
Isn't it more rational to maximise the average position, but with a safety net? [Swift]
Hypothetical contracts have no binding force [Swift]
Cosmopolitans reject the right of different states to distribute resources in different ways [Swift]
Libertarians about property ignore the fact that private property is a denial of freedoms [Swift]
We should respect the right of people to live in their own way, even if it is irrational [Swift]
Maybe a freedom is from a restraint, and also in order to do something [Swift]
Opportunity should ignore extraneous factors, or foster competence, or ignore all disadvantages [Swift]
Men have had the power to structure all of our social institutions [Swift]
A person can desire redistibution of wealth, without it being for reasons of equality [Swift]
Membership and inclusion in a community implies non-membership and exclusion [Swift]
Liberals mistakenly think individuals choose their values, without reference to the community [Swift]
Liberals are concerned to protect individuals from too much community [Swift]
Multiculturalism is a barrier to the whole state being a community [Swift]
Anti-colonial movements usually invoke the right of their 'people' to self-determination [Swift]
Teledemocracy omits debate and deliberation, which are important parts of good decisions [Swift]
Democracy is bad, but the other systems are worse [Swift]
Since all opinions are treated as equal in democracy, it implies there are no right answers [Swift]
Design your democracy to treat citizens equally, or to produce better citizens? [Swift]
Design your democracy to yield political stability, or good decisions? [Swift]