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Single Idea 20737

[filed under theme 29. Religion / B. Monotheistic Religion / 4. Christianity / a. Christianity ]

Full Idea

An important development in the formation of the modern worldview was the emergence of Protestantism, that reconfigured the self by privileging the inner states of the soul. Salvation concerns inner feelings, thoughts and desires, which can be genuine.

Gist of Idea

Protestantism brought the modern emphasis on inner states of the soul


Kevin Aho (Existentialism: an introduction [2014], 1 'Emergence')

Book Ref

Aho,Kevin: 'Existentialism: an introduction' [Polity 2014], p.6

A Reaction

[bit compressed] He is preparing the historical background for the existentialist concept of authenticity. We can link this Protestant idea with Descartes's Cogito, which grounds knowledge in the inner self.

The 36 ideas with the same theme [general ideas about the Christian religion]:

Jesus turned the ideas of Hillel into a theology reduced to its moral elements [Jesus, by Johnson,P]
Christians presented Jesus as a new kind of logos to oppose that of the philosophers [Celsus]
Allah cannot have begotten a son, as He is self-sufficient [Mohammed]
Life aims at the Beatific Vision - of perfect happiness, and revealed truth [Aquinas, by Zagzebski]
To love God means to love whatever God wills to be loved [William of Ockham]
A tyrant exploits Christians because they don't value this life, and are made to be slaves [Rousseau]
We cannot speak against Christianity without anger, or speak for it without love [Joubert]
To universalise 'give everything to the poor' leads to absurdity [Hegel]
Hegel made the last attempt to restore Christianity, which philosophy had destroyed [Hegel, by Feuerbach]
Hegel said he was offering an encyclopaedic rationalisation of Christianity [Hegel, by Graham]
Christianity is a pessimistic religion, in which the world is equated with evil [Schopenhauer]
Catholicism concerns God in himself, Protestantism what God is for man [Feuerbach]
The ethics of the Gospel has been supplemented by barbarous Old Testament values [Mill]
The best way to be a Christian is without 'Christianity' [Kierkegaard]
We need to see that Christianity cannot be understood [Kierkegaard]
Christianity is a revolt of things crawling on the ground against elevated things [Nietzsche]
Christianity is Platonism for the people [Nietzsche]
Christianity hoped for a short cut to perfection, that skipped the hard labour of morality [Nietzsche]
Christianity was successful because of its heathen rituals [Nietzsche]
Science rejecting the teaching of Christianity in favour of Epicurus shows the superiority of the latter [Nietzsche]
The Sermon on the Mount is vanity - praying to one part of oneself, and demonising the rest [Nietzsche]
Christ seems warm hearted, and suppressed intellect in favour of the intellectually weak [Nietzsche]
Christ was the noblest human being [Nietzsche]
Christian belief is kept alive because it is soothing - the proof based on pleasure [Nietzsche]
How could the Church intelligently fight against passion if it preferred poorness of spirit to intelligence? [Nietzsche]
Christians believe that only God can know what is good for man [Nietzsche]
Primitive Christianity is abolition of the state; it is opposed to defence, justice, patriotism and class [Nietzsche]
Early Christianity says God recognises the neglected weak and tender impulses [James]
Punish the heretic, but be indulgent to the sinner [Weber]
The idea that Jesus was God was only settled in the fourth century [Armstrong,K]
Christians introduced the idea that a religion needs a creed [Gray]
Without Christianity we lose the idea that human history has a meaning [Gray]
What was our original sin, and how could Christ's suffering redeem it? [Gray]
Paul's early writings mention few striking episodes from Jesus' life [Watson]
Jesus never intended to start a new religion [Watson]
Protestantism brought the modern emphasis on inner states of the soul [Aho]