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Single Idea 20963

[filed under theme 11. Knowledge Aims / C. Knowing Reality / 2. Phenomenalism ]

Full Idea

A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive in the country. 'Oh look!' she says, 'Those sheep have been shorn.' 'Yes', says the philosopher, 'on this side'.

Gist of Idea

A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive...


Will Sommers (talk [2019])

The 20 ideas from Will Sommers

F(x) walked into a bar. The barman said.. [Sommers,W]
Sartre to Waitress: Coffee with no cream, please... [Sommers,W]
There once was a man who said: 'God... [Sommers,W]
Barman to Descartes: Would you like another drink?... [Sommers,W]
A toper who spies in the distance... [Sommers,W]
Said Plato: 'The things that we feel... [Sommers,W]
There was a young student called Fred... [Sommers,W]
..But if he's a student of Berkeley... [Sommers,W]
The philosopher Berkeley once said.. [Sommers,W]
"My dog's got synaesthesia." How does he smell? ..... [Sommers,W]
There once was a man who said 'Damn!... [Sommers,W]
Dear Sir, Your astonishment's odd.... [Sommers,W]
A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive... [Sommers,W]
Why do anarchists drink herbal tea? [Sommers,W]
How do behaviourists greet each other? [Sommers,W]
'If you're aristocratic,' said Nietzsche... [Sommers,W]
Cries the maid: 'You must marry me Hume!'... [Sommers,W]
Causation - we all thought we knew it/ Till Hume came along and saw through it/…. [Sommers,W]
The barman called 'Time!', and Augustine said..... [Sommers,W]
The past, present and future walked into a bar.... [Sommers,W]