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Single Idea 21014

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / D. Justice / 1. Basis of justice ]

Full Idea

A prominent idea, common in the U.S., sees rights as barriers against interfering state action. ...The Capabilities Approach, by contrast, insists that all entitlements involve an affirmative task for government, to actively support capabilities.

Gist of Idea

Rights are not just barriers against state interference; governments must affirm capabilities of citizens


Martha Nussbaum (Creating Capabilities [2011], 3)

Book Ref

Nussbaum,Martha C.: 'Creating Capabilities' [Belknap Harvard 2013], p.65

A Reaction

This makes her approach very left wing, by U.S. standards, because it needs higher taxation and a degree of government paternalism. Her approach strikes me as an excellent agenda for a fairly interventionist European liberal party.

The 19 ideas from 'Creating Capabilities'

Storytelling is never neutral; some features of the world must be emphasised [Nussbaum]
Liberalism does not need a comprehensive account of value [Nussbaum]
Capabilities: Life, Health, Safety, Mental life, Love, Planning, Joining in, Nature, Play, Control [Nussbaum, by PG]
Justice requires that the ten main capabilities of people are reasonably enabled [Nussbaum]
Capabilities are grounded in bare humanity and agency; qualifying as rational is not needed [Nussbaum]
Rights are not just barriers against state interference; governments must affirm capabilities of citizens [Nussbaum]
Political and civil rights are not separate from economic and social rights [Nussbaum]
We shouldn't focus on actual preferences, which may be distorted by injustices [Nussbaum]
Negative liberty is incoherent; all liberties, to do and to be, require the prevention of interference [Nussbaum]
Women are often treated like children, and not respected for their choices [Nussbaum]
Political freedom is an incoherent project, because some freedoms limit other freedoms [Nussbaum]
Social contracts assume equal powers among the participants [Nussbaum]
Any establishment belief system is incompatible with full respect for all citizens [Nussbaum]
The Capabilities Approach sees animals as agents, not just as having feelings [Nussbaum]
We should respect animals in the way that we respect the animal nature in humans [Nussbaum]
It may be no harm to kill an animal which cannot plan for its future [Nussbaum]
Keep premises as weak as possible, to avoid controversial difficulties [Nussbaum]
Particularism gives no guidance for the future [Nussbaum]
Compassion is unreliable, because it favours people close to us [Nussbaum]