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Single Idea 21106

[filed under theme 27. Natural Reality / B. Modern Physics / 4. Standard Model / e. Protons ]

Full Idea

The quarks provide very little of the total mass of a proton, and the fields created by the virtual particles contribute most of the energy that goes into the proton's rest energy and, hence, its mass.

Gist of Idea

Most of the mass of a proton is the energy in virtual particles (rather than the quarks)


Lawrence M. Krauss (A Universe from Nothing [2012], 04)

Book Ref

Krauss,Lawrence M.: 'A Universe from Nothing' [Simon and Schuster 2012], p.70

A Reaction

He gives an artist's impression of the interior of a proton, which looks like a ship's engine room.

The 9 ideas from Lawrence M. Krauss

In 1676 it was discovered that water is teeming with life [Krauss]
Most of the mass of a proton is the energy in virtual particles (rather than the quarks) [Krauss]
General Relativity: the density of energy and matter determines curvature and gravity [Krauss]
Uncertainty says that energy can be very high over very short time periods [Krauss]
The universe is precisely 13.72 billion years old [Krauss]
Space itself can expand (and separate its contents) at faster than light speeds [Krauss]
An understanding of the most basic physics should explain all of the subject's mysteries [Krauss]
It seems likely that cosmic inflation is eternal, and this would make a multiverse inevitable [Krauss]
Empty space contains a continual flux of brief virtual particles [Krauss]