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Single Idea 21128

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 5. Democracy / d. Representative democracy ]

Full Idea

The general theory of 'mirror representation' says that a representative body or institution should be a statistically accurate sample of the wider society it represents.

Gist of Idea

There is 'mirror representation' when the institution statistically reflects the population


Andrew Shorten (Contemporary Political Theory [2016], 04)

Book Ref

Shorten,Andrew: 'Contemporary Political Theory' [Palgrave 2016], p.84

A Reaction

How fine-grained should this be in accuracy. Should every small minority have at least one rep? Can't reps be trusted to speak for people a bit different from themselves? Maybe not! He quotes Mirabeau in support of this idea.

The 17 ideas from Andrew Shorten

Liberalism should not make assumptions such as the value of choosing your own life plan [Shorten]
Liberals treat individuals as mutual strangers, rather than as social beings [Shorten]
Liberal equality concerns rights, and liberal freedom concerns choice of ends [Shorten]
Liberal Nationalism encourages the promotion of nationalistic values [Shorten]
Liberal Nationalism is more communitarian, and Constitutional Patriotism more cosmopolitan [Shorten]
Liberal Nationalism says welfare states and democracy needed a shared sense of nationality [Shorten]
Constitutional Patriotism unites around political values (rather than national identity) [Shorten]
Liberal citizens have a moral requirement to respect freedom and equality [Shorten]
Religious toleration has been institutionalised by the separation of church and state [Shorten]
Representative should be either obedient, or sensible, or typical [Shorten]
There is 'mirror representation' when the institution statistically reflects the population [Shorten]
In a changed situation a Mandated Representative can't keep promises and fight for constituents [Shorten]
Democracy is a method of selection, or it involves participation, or it concerns public discussion [Shorten]
Some say democracy is intrinsically valuable, others that it delivers good outcomes [Shorten]
Maybe the rational autonomous liberal individual is merely the result of domination [Shorten]
There are eight different ways in which groups of people can be oppressed [Shorten, by PG]
Utilitarians conflate acts and omissions; causing to drown and failing to save are the same [Shorten]