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Single Idea 21182

[filed under theme 27. Natural Reality / B. Modern Physics / 2. Electrodynamics / d. Quantum mechanics ]

Full Idea

Quantum mechanics is the only working description of the universe that we have. It is amazingly precise, and so far every experimental test has verified its predictions.

Gist of Idea

Quantum mechanics is our only theory, and is very precise, and repeatedly confirmed


Gavin Hesketh (The Particle Zoo [2016], 02)

Book Ref

Hesketh,Gavin: 'The Particle Zoo' [Quercus 2016], p.43

A Reaction

I take it from this that quantum mechanics is simply TRUE. Get over it! It will never turn out to be wrong, but may be subsumed within some more fine-grained or extensive theory.

The 20 ideas from Gavin Hesketh

Relativity and Quantum theory give very different accounts of forces [Hesketh]
Electrons are fundamental and are not made of anything; they are properties without size [Hesketh]
Quantum mechanics is our only theory, and is very precise, and repeatedly confirmed [Hesketh]
Physics was rewritten to explain stable electron orbits [Hesketh]
Thermodynamics introduced work and entropy, to understand steam engine efficiency [Hesketh]
Colour charge is positive or negative, and also has red, green or blue direction [Hesketh]
Quarks rush wildly around in protons, restrained by the gluons [Hesketh]
Electrons may have smaller components, bound by a new force [Hesketh]
Virtual particles can't be measured, and can ignore the laws of physics [Hesketh]
Quarks and leptons have a weak charge, for the weak force [Hesketh]
Photons are B and W° bosons, linked by the Higgs mechanism [Hesketh]
'Space' in physics just means location [Hesketh]
Neutrinos only interact with the weak force, but decays produce them in huge numbers [Hesketh]
The universe is 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter, 5% regular matter [Hesketh]
The Standard Model omits gravity, because there are no particles involved [Hesketh]
Standard Model forces are one- two- and three-dimensional [Hesketh]
If a cosmic theory relies a great deal on fine-tuning basic values, it is probably wrong [Hesketh]
To combine the forces, they must all be the same strength at some point [Hesketh]
In Supersymmetry the Standard Model simplifies at high energies [Hesketh]
Spinning electric charge produces magnetism, so all fermions are magnets [Hesketh]