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Single Idea 21198

[filed under theme 27. Natural Reality / E. Cosmology / 9. Fine-Tuned Universe ]

Full Idea

If a theory has to rely on excessive 'fine-tuning', a series of extremely unlikely events in order to produce the universe we see around us, then it is extremely unlikely that this theory is correct.

Gist of Idea

If a cosmic theory relies a great deal on fine-tuning basic values, it is probably wrong


Gavin Hesketh (The Particle Zoo [2016], 10)

Book Ref

Hesketh,Gavin: 'The Particle Zoo' [Quercus 2016], p.256

A Reaction

He says the Standard Model has 26 parameters which are only known by experiment, rather than by theory. So instead of saying ' there is a God', we should say ' our theory isn't very good'.

The 20 ideas from 'The Particle Zoo'

Relativity and Quantum theory give very different accounts of forces [Hesketh]
Electrons are fundamental and are not made of anything; they are properties without size [Hesketh]
Quantum mechanics is our only theory, and is very precise, and repeatedly confirmed [Hesketh]
Physics was rewritten to explain stable electron orbits [Hesketh]
Thermodynamics introduced work and entropy, to understand steam engine efficiency [Hesketh]
Colour charge is positive or negative, and also has red, green or blue direction [Hesketh]
Quarks rush wildly around in protons, restrained by the gluons [Hesketh]
Electrons may have smaller components, bound by a new force [Hesketh]
Virtual particles can't be measured, and can ignore the laws of physics [Hesketh]
Quarks and leptons have a weak charge, for the weak force [Hesketh]
Photons are B and W° bosons, linked by the Higgs mechanism [Hesketh]
'Space' in physics just means location [Hesketh]
Neutrinos only interact with the weak force, but decays produce them in huge numbers [Hesketh]
The universe is 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter, 5% regular matter [Hesketh]
The Standard Model omits gravity, because there are no particles involved [Hesketh]
Standard Model forces are one- two- and three-dimensional [Hesketh]
If a cosmic theory relies a great deal on fine-tuning basic values, it is probably wrong [Hesketh]
To combine the forces, they must all be the same strength at some point [Hesketh]
In Supersymmetry the Standard Model simplifies at high energies [Hesketh]
Spinning electric charge produces magnetism, so all fermions are magnets [Hesketh]