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Single Idea 21240

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

Work out who is most oppressed and disadvantaged in the situation, and then adopt their version of events as the right one. If something is not true in the eyes of the least favoured, then it is not true.

Gist of Idea

The truth about events always comes from the oppressed and disadvantaged


report of Jean-Paul Sartre (The Communists and Peace [1953], final part) by Sarah Bakewell - At the Existentialist Café 12

Book Ref

Bakewell,Sarah: 'At the Existentialist Café' [Chatto and Windus 2016], p.271

A Reaction

A theory of social truth, rather than truth in general. A bit simplistic, but appealing. If you want to know the truth, ask the people involved. This is true of the Savoy Grill, as well as of homeless life. You must first care about the oppressed.

The 57 ideas from Jean-Paul Sartre

Authenticity is taking responsibility for a situation, with all its risks and emotions [Sartre]
Sincerity is not authenticity, because it only commits to one particular identity [Sartre, by Aho]
Sartre's freedom is not for whimsical action, but taking responsibility for our own values [Sartre, by Daigle]
For Sartre there is only being for-itself, or being in-itself (which is beyond experience) [Sartre, by Daigle]
Sartre says consciousness is just directedness towards external objects [Sartre, by Rowlands]
Sartre rejects mental content, and the idea that the mind has hidden inner features [Sartre, by Rowlands]
Man is a useless passion [Sartre]
Appearances do not hide the essence; appearances are the essence [Sartre]
Love is the demand to be loved [Sartre]
Man is the desire to be God [Sartre]
Fear concerns the world, but 'anguish' comes from confronting my self [Sartre]
We flee from the anguish of freedom by seeing ourselves objectively, as determined [Sartre]
The truth about events always comes from the oppressed and disadvantaged [Sartre, by Bakewell]
'Existence precedes essence' means we have no pre-existing self, but create it through existence [Sartre, by Le Poidevin]
Existence before essence (or begin with the subjective) [Sartre]
Existentialism says man is whatever he makes of himself [Sartre]
There is no human nature [Sartre]
In becoming what we want to be we create what we think man ought to be [Sartre]
There are no values to justify us, and no excuses [Sartre]
It is dishonest to offer passions as an excuse [Sartre]
When my personal freedom becomes involved, I must want freedom for everyone else [Sartre]
Without God there is no intelligibility or value [Sartre]
Man IS freedom [Sartre]
Existentialists says that cowards and heroes make themselves [Sartre]
When a man must choose between his mother and the Resistance, no theory can help [Sartre, by Fogelin]
Man is nothing else but the sum of his actions [Sartre]
Cowards are responsible for their cowardice [Sartre]
If I do not choose, that is still a choice [Sartre]
If values depend on us, freedom is the foundation of all values [Sartre]
States have a monopoly of legitimate violence [Sartre, by Wolff,J]
An emotion and its object form a unity, so emotion is a mode of apprehension [Sartre]
Emotion is one of our modes of understanding our Being-in-the-World [Sartre]
Emotions are a sort of bodily incantation which brings a magic to the world [Sartre]
Emotions makes us believe in and live in a new world [Sartre]
Consciousness always transcends itself [Sartre]
Since we are a consciousness, Sartre entirely rejected the unconscious mind [Sartre, by Daigle]
The Ego is not formally or materially part of consciousness, but is outside in the world [Sartre]
A consciousness can conceive of no other consciousness than itself [Sartre]
Intentionality defines, transcends and unites consciousness [Sartre]
If you think of '2+2=4' as the content of thought, the self must be united transcendentally [Sartre]
The eternal truth of 2+2=4 is what gives unity to the mind which regularly thinks it [Sartre]
Consciousness exists as consciousness of itself [Sartre]
If the 'I' is transcendental, it unnecessarily splits consciousness in two [Sartre]
Phenomenology assumes that all consciousness is of something [Sartre]
The Cogito depends on a second-order experience, of being conscious of consciousness [Sartre]
The consciousness that says 'I think' is not the consciousness that thinks [Sartre]
How could two I's, the reflective and the reflected, communicate with each other? [Sartre]
When we are unreflective (as when chasing a tram) there is no 'I' [Sartre]
Maybe it is the act of reflection that brings 'me' into existence [Sartre]
Is the Cogito reporting an immediate experience of doubting, or the whole enterprise of doubting? [Sartre]
We can never, even in principle, grasp other minds, because the Ego is self-conceiving [Sartre]
The Ego only appears to reflection, so it is cut off from the World [Sartre]
The Ego never appears except when we are not looking for it [Sartre]
It is theoretically possible that the Ego consists entirely of false memories [Sartre]
Knowing yourself requires an exterior viewpoint, which is necessarily false [Sartre]
My ego is more intimate to me, but not more certain than other egos [Sartre]
Sartre gradually realised that freedom is curtailed by the weight of situation [Sartre, by Daigle]