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Single Idea 21263

[filed under theme 28. God / B. Proving God / 3. Proofs of Evidence / b. Teleological Proof ]

Full Idea

If the movement of the heavens and all that is in them reflects the motion and revolution and calculation of reason ...then clearly we have to admit that it is the best kind of soul that cares for the entire universe and directs it along the best path.

Gist of Idea

If all the motions of nature reflect calculations of reason, then the best kind of soul must direct it


Plato (The Laws [c.349 BCE], 897c)

Book Ref

Plato: 'Complete Works', ed/tr. Cooper,John M. [Hackett 1997], p.1554

A Reaction

Most of this passage reflects the cosmological argument - that without some initiating source natural events could not occur - but this slides into the design argument. So who designed mud (which is too inferior to have a Form)?

The 32 ideas with the same theme [order and harmony of nature proves God exists]:

Heraclitus says intelligence draws on divine reason [Heraclitus, by Sext.Empiricus]
Past, present and future, and the movements of the heavens, were arranged by Mind [Anaxagoras]
Soul must be the cause of all the opposites, such as good and evil or beauty and ugliness [Plato]
If all the motions of nature reflect calculations of reason, then the best kind of soul must direct it [Plato]
An Order controls all things [Aristotle]
The world can't be arranged at all if there is nothing eternal and separate [Aristotle]
If tuneful flutes grew on olive trees, you would assume the olive had some knowledge of the flute [Zeno of Citium]
The ascending scale of living creatures requires a perfect being [Cleanthes, by Tieleman]
It is obvious from order that someone is in charge, as when we visit a gymnasium [Cicero]
If a person cannot feel the power of God when looking at the stars, they are probably incapable of feeling [Cicero]
If the barbarians of Britain saw a complex machine, they would be baffled, but would know it was designed [Cicero]
Chance is no more likely to create the world than spilling lots of letters is likely to create a famous poem [Cicero]
God's eternal power and deity are clearly seen in what has been created [Paul]
The original substance lacked motion or shape, and was given these by a cause [Sext.Empiricus]
Soul is author of all of life, and of the stars, and it gives them law and movement [Plotinus]
The regular events of this life could never be due to chance [Boethius]
True believers see that Allah made the night for rest and the day to give light [Mohammed]
Way 5: mindless things act towards an obvious end, so there is an intelligent director [Aquinas]
The elegance of the solar system requires a powerful intellect as designer [Newton]
If the universe is a perfect agreement of uncommunicating substances, there must be a common source [Leibniz]
All substances are in harmony, even though separate, so they must have one divine cause [Leibniz]
The laws of physics are wonderful evidence of an intelligent and free being [Leibniz]
It has been proved that creation is the workmanship of God, from its beauty and usefulness [Berkeley]
The thing which contains order must be God, so see God where you see order [Hume]
Unlike a stone, the parts of a watch are obviously assembled in order to show the time [Paley]
Even an imperfect machine can exhibit obvious design [Paley]
From the obvious purpose and structure of a watch we must infer that it was designed [Paley]
All the signs of design found in a watch are also found in nature [Paley]
No organ shows purpose more obviously than the eyelid [Paley]
Design is seen in the way ideas match the world, in the mechanisms of evolution, and in values [Tennant,FR, by PG]
The only legitimate proof of God by order derives from beauty [Weil]
The universe exhibits design either in its sense of purpose, or in its regularity [Davies,B]