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Single Idea 21480

[filed under theme 23. Ethics / F. Existentialism / 4. Boredom ]

Full Idea

Only in the cleverest animals such as dogs and apes does the need for activity, and with that boredom, make itself felt.

Gist of Idea

Boredom is only felt by those clever enough to need activity


Arthur Schopenhauer (Parerga and Paralipomena [1851], III:50)

Book Ref

Schopenhauer,Arthur: 'Essays and Aphorisms [from Pand P]', ed/tr. Hollingdale,R.J. [Penguin 1970], p.126

A Reaction

But it is much more frequently young creatures, of almost any kind, that seek constant activity, and get continually restless. The most active adults need not be the cleverest.

The 30 ideas with the same theme [there seems to be nothing worth doing]:

Plato is boring [Nietzsche on Plato]
We are bored by people to whom we ourselves are boring [Rochefoucauld]
Boredom is only felt by those clever enough to need activity [Schopenhauer]
Human life is a mistake, shown by boredom, which is direct awareness of the fact [Schopenhauer]
The plebeians bore others; only the nobility bore themselves [Kierkegaard]
Our destiny is the highest pitch of world-weariness [Kierkegaard]
To ward off boredom at any cost is vulgar [Nietzsche]
People do not experience boredom if they have never learned to work properly [Nietzsche]
Flight from boredom leads to art [Nietzsche]
Boredom always involves not being fully occupied [Russell]
Life is now more interesting, but boredom is more frightening [Russell]
Boredom is an increasingly strong motivating power [Russell]
Happiness involves enduring boredom, and the young should be taught this [Russell]
Culture is now dominated by boredom, so universal it is unnoticed [Heidegger, by Aho]
Life needs risks to avoid sickly boredom [Weil]
Monotony is beautiful as a reflection of eternity, or atrocious as unvarying perpetuity [Weil]
You are stuck in the past if you don't know boredom [Cioran]
If you lack beliefs, boredom is your martyrdom [Cioran]
No one is brave enough to say they don't want to do anything; we despise such a view [Cioran]
History is the bloody rejection of boredom [Cioran]
It is better to watch the hours pass, than trying to fill them [Cioran]
Fear cures boredom, because it is stronger [Cioran]
Boredom is serious, not just uncomfortable; it threatens our psychic survival [Frankfurt]
Psychopaths may just be bored, because they cannot participate in normal emotional life [Singer]
Boredom destroys our ability to evaluate [Kekes]
Boredom is apathy and restlessness, yearning for something interesting [Kekes]
Boredom is so radical that suicide could not overcome it; only never having existed would do it [Svendsen]
We can be unaware that we are bored [Svendsen]
We are bored because everything comes to us fully encoded, and we want personal meaning [Svendsen]
The profoundest boredom is boredom with boredom [Svendsen]