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Single Idea 21524

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / C. Rights / 4. Property rights ]

Full Idea

There are many ways of becoming rich without contributing anything to the wealth of the community. Ownership of land or capital, whether acquired or inherited, gives a legal right to a permanent income.

Gist of Idea

The right to own land gives a legal right to a permanent income


Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 2)

Book Ref

Russell,Bertrand: 'Political Ideals' [Spokesman 2007], p.30

A Reaction

I suspect that in the past land was the main source of this right, but now it is more likely to be capital. Land carries obligations of some sort, so income from capital is more fun.

The 13 ideas from 'Political Ideals'

Individuals need creativity, reverence for others, and self-respect [Russell]
Democracy is inadequate without a great deal of devolution [Russell]
We would not want UK affairs to be settled by a world parliament [Russell]
Anarchy does not maximise liberty [Russell]
Theoretical and practical politics are both concerned with the best lives for individuals [Russell]
Men unite in pursuit of material things, and idealise greed as part of group loyalty [Russell]
We need security and liberty, and then encouragement of creativity [Russell]
That our heaven is a dull place reflects the misery of excessive work in life [Russell]
The right to own land gives a legal right to a permanent income [Russell]
When the state is the only employer, there is no refuge from the prejudices of other people [Russell]
Groups should be autonomous, with a neutral authority as arbitrator [Russell]
Unfortunately ordinary voters can't detect insincerity [Russell]
On every new question the majority is always wrong at first [Russell]