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Single Idea 2157

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 3. Pleasure / b. Types of pleasure ]

Full Idea

Nice smells have no preceding feeling of pain, they are very intense, and they leave no distress when they are over.

Gist of Idea

Nice smells are intensive, have no preceding pain, and no bad after-effect


Plato (The Republic [c.371 BCE], 584b)

Book Ref

Plato: 'Republic', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP 1993], p.332

A Reaction

A nice example for extreme puritans to contemplate. Objections to enjoying nice smells seem almost inconceivable. Puritans will, I suppose, say 'slippery slope'.

The 92 ideas from 'The Republic'

Plato's Forms are said to have no location in space [Plato, by Aristotle]
Plato's reality has unchanging Parmenidean forms, and Heraclitean flux [Plato, by Fogelin]
The 'Republic' is a great work of rhetorical theory [Lawson-Tancred on Plato]
Forms are not universals, as they don't cover every general term [Plato, by Annas]
Plato mistakenly thought forms were totally abstracted away from matter [Bacon on Plato]
Plato's Forms not only do not come from the senses, but they are beyond possibility of sensing [Plato, by Kant]
The good cannot be expressed in words, but imprints itself upon the soul [Plato, by Celsus]
Plato found that he could only enforce rational moral justification by creating an authoritarian society [Williams,B on Plato]
If Plato's God is immaterial, he will lack consciousness, wisdom, pleasure and movement, which are essential to him [Cicero on Plato]
Surely you don't return a borrowed weapon to a mad friend? [Plato]
Simonides said morality is helping one's friends and harming one's enemies [Plato]
Justice is merely the interests of the stronger party [Plato]
Is right just the interests of the powerful? [Plato]
Psychic conflict is clear if appetite is close to the body and reason fairly separate [Plato, by Modrak]
You must never go against what you actually believe [Plato]
A thing's function is what it alone can do, or what it does better than other things [Plato]
If something has a function then it has a state of being good [Plato]
Is the function of the mind management, authority and planning - or is it one's whole way of life? [Plato]
Morality is a compromise, showing restraint, to avoid suffering wrong without compensation [Plato]
After a taste of mutual harm, men make a legal contract to avoid it [Plato]
If we were invisible, would the just man become like the unjust? [Plato]
Is the supreme reward for virtue to be drunk for eternity? [Plato]
Isn't it better to have a reputation for goodness than to actually be good? [Plato]
If the gods are non-existent or indifferent, why bother to deceive them? [Plato]
Sin first, then sacrifice to the gods from the proceeds [Plato]
We avoid evil either through a natural aversion, or because we have acquired knowledge [Plato]
People need society because the individual has too many needs [Plato]
All exchanges in a community are for mutual benefit [Plato]
God is responsible for the good things, but we must look elsewhere for the cause of the bad things [Plato]
The best things (gods, healthy bodies, good souls) are least liable to change [Plato]
The winds of the discussion should decide its destination [Plato]
Excessive pleasure deranges people, making the other virtues impossible [Plato]
A good community necessarily has wisdom, courage, self-discipline and morality [Plato]
People doing their jobs properly is the fourth cardinal virtue for a city [Plato]
The mind has parts, because we have inner conflicts [Plato]
The soul seems to have an infinity of parts [Aristotle on Plato]
There is a third element to the mind - spirit - lying between reason and appetite [Plato]
If the parts of our soul do their correct work, we will be just people, and will act justly [Plato]
Goodness is mental health, badness is mental sickness [Plato]
People often merely practice eristic instead of dialectic, because they don't analyse the subject-matter [Plato]
Is there anything better for a community than to produce excellent people? [Plato]
Only rule by philosophers of integrity can keep a community healthy [Plato]
Believers in the beautiful see that it is separate from things that participate in it [Plato]
Knowledge must be of the permanent unchanging nature of things [Plato]
Philosophers are concerned with totally non-physical pleasures [Plato]
Truth is closely related to proportion [Plato]
The true reality is organised and harmonised in a rational order [Plato]
Philosophers become as divine and orderly as possible, by studying divinity and order [Plato]
It would be absurd to be precise about the small things, but only vague about the big things [Plato]
The main aim is to understand goodness, which gives everything its value and advantage [Plato]
Pleasure is commonly thought to be the good, though the more ingenious prefer knowledge [Plato]
Even people who think pleasure is the good admit that there are bad pleasures [Plato]
For Plato we abandon honour and pleasure once we see the Good [Plato, by Taylor,C]
Every person, and every activity, aims at the good [Plato]
True belief without knowledge is like blind people on the right road [Plato]
I suggest that we forget about trying to define goodness itself for the time being [Plato]
The plurality of beautiful things must belong to a single class, because they have a single particular character [Plato]
Good has the same role in the world of knowledge as the sun has in the physical world [Plato]
Goodness makes truth and knowledge possible [Plato]
Being depends on the Good, which is not itself being, but superior to being [Plato]
In mathematics certain things have to be accepted without further explanation [Plato]
The sight of goodness leads to all that is fine and true and right [Plato]
To gain knowledge, turn away from the world of change, and focus on true goodness [Plato]
Plato measured the degree of reality by the degree of value [Nietzsche on Plato]
Reluctant rulers make a better and more unified administration [Plato]
The same thing is both one and an unlimited number at the same time [Plato]
To become rational, philosophers must rise from becoming into being [Plato]
We aim for elevated discussion of pure numbers, not attaching them to physical objects [Plato]
In pure numbers, all ones are equal, with no internal parts [Plato]
Geometry is not an activity, but the study of unchanging knowledge [Plato]
Geometry can lead the mind upwards to truth and philosophy [Plato]
Dialectic is the only method of inquiry which uproots the things which it takes for granted [Plato]
Dialectic is the highest and most important part of the curriculum [Plato]
Compulsory intellectual work never remains in the mind [Plato]
The ability to take an overview is the distinguishing mark of a dialectician [Plato]
For Plato, rationality is a vision of and love of a cosmic rational order [Plato, by Taylor,C]
True goodness requires mental unity and harmony [Plato]
For Plato and Aristotle there is no will; there is only rational desire for what is seen as good [Plato, by Frede,M]
There are three types of pleasure, for reason, for spirit and for appetite [Plato]
Nice smells are intensive, have no preceding pain, and no bad after-effect [Plato]
Pleasure-seekers desperately seek illusory satisfaction, like filling a leaky vessel [Plato]
A Form applies to a set of particular things with the same name [Plato]
Craftsmen making furniture refer to the form, but no one manufactures the form of furniture [Plato]
Without the surface decoration, poetry shows only appearances and nothing of what is real [Plato]
Representation is two steps removed from the truth [Plato]
If theory and practice conflict, the best part of the mind accepts theory, so the other part is of lower grade [Plato]
Artists should be excluded from a law-abiding community, because they destroy the rational mind [Plato]
Bad is always destructive, where good preserves and benefits [Plato]
Something is unlikely to be immortal if it is imperfectly made from diverse parts [Plato]
We should behave well even if invisible, for the health of the mind [Plato]
Clever criminals do well at first, but not in the long run [Plato]
For Plato, virtue is its own reward [Lawson-Tancred on Plato]