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Single Idea 21746

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / g. Love ]

Full Idea

If harmonious desires are what we should seek, love is better than hate, since, when two people love each other, both can be satisfied, whereas when they hate each other one at most can achieve the object of his desire.

Gist of Idea

Unlike hate, all desires can be satisfied by love


Bertrand Russell (An Outline of Philosophy [1927], Ch 22)

Book Ref

Russell,Bertrand: 'An Outline of Philosophy' [Routledge 1979], p.188

A Reaction

A wonderful example of cool philosophical objectivity! Of course it is not true, because the fact that two people love one another doesn't not prevent them from having some incompatible desires, as every couple knows.

Related Idea

Idea 21745 Act so as to produce harmonious rather than discordant desires [Russell]

The 9 ideas from 'An Outline of Philosophy'

We could be aware of time if senses briefly vibrated, extending their experience of movement [Russell, by Bardon]
'You ought to do p' primarily has emotional content, expressing approval [Russell]
Unlike hate, all desires can be satisfied by love [Russell]
Goodness is a combination of love and knowledge [Russell]
In wartime, happiness is hating the enemy, because it gives the war a purpose [Russell]
Act so as to produce harmonious rather than discordant desires [Russell]
Originally virtue was obedience, to gods, government, or custom [Russell]
Legally curbing people's desires is inferior to improving their desires [Russell]
I doubt whether ethics is part of philosophy [Russell]