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Single Idea 2176

[filed under theme 16. Persons / F. Free Will / 5. Against Free Will ]

Full Idea

There is a problem of free will only for those who think that the notion of voluntary can be metaphysically deepened.

Gist of Idea

There is only a problem of free will if you think the notion of 'voluntary' can be metaphysically deepened


Bernard Williams (Shame and Necessity [1993], III - p.68)

Book Ref

Williams,Bernard: 'Shame and Necessity' [California 1994], p.68

A Reaction

Years later, I now see that his refers to a pet hate of mine in discussions of free will, which is the idea that a person can have something called 'ultimate' responsibility for an action (which is the 'deep' version of 'you did it').

The 10 ideas from 'Shame and Necessity'

We judge weakness of will by an assessment after the event is concluded [Williams,B, by Cottingham]
Greek moral progress came when 'virtue' was freed from social status [Williams,B]
The modern idea of duty is unknown in archaic Greece [Williams,B]
Responsibility involves cause, intention, state of mind, and response after the event [Williams,B]
There is a problem of evil only if you expect the world to be good [Williams,B]
There is only a problem of free will if you think the notion of 'voluntary' can be metaphysically deepened [Williams,B]
If reason cannot lead people to good, we must hope they have an internal voice [Williams,B]
In bad actions, guilt points towards victims, and shame to the agent [Williams,B]
If the moral self is seen as characterless, then other people have a very limited role in our moral lives [Williams,B]
It is an absurd Kantian idea that at the limit rationality and freedom coincide [Williams,B]