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Single Idea 21858

[filed under theme 28. God / B. Proving God / 2. Proofs of Reason / a. Ontological Proof ]

Full Idea

Spinoza argues that you cannot conceive the non-existence of God because you cannot conceive the non-existence of being. God, or a substance of infinite attributes, is being as such.

Gist of Idea

God is being as such, and you cannot conceive of the non-existence of being


report of Baruch de Spinoza (The Ethics [1675], I Pr 11) by Beth Lord - Spinoza's Ethics I P11

Book Ref

Lord,Beth: 'Spinoza's Ethics' [Indiana 2010], p.30

A Reaction

I'm not clear why I cannot conceive of nothing whatever existing. I can conceive of my fridge being empty, so conceiving non-being is not off limits. Not that inconceivability is an infallible guide to impossibility…

Related Idea

Idea 21856 Spinoza says a substance of infinite attributes cannot fail to exist [Spinoza, by Lord]

The 220 ideas from Baruch de Spinoza

Spinoza implies that thought is impossible without the notion of substance [Spinoza, by Scruton]
Contingency is an illusion, resulting from our inadequate understanding [Spinoza, by Cottingham]
Spinoza's three levels of knowledge are perception/imagination, then principles, then intuitions [Spinoza, by Scruton]
'I think' is useless, because it is contingent, and limited to the first person [Spinoza, by Scruton]
To understand a phenomenon, we must understand why it is necessary, not merely contingent [Spinoza, by Cottingham]
We think we are free because we don't know the causes of our desires and choices [Spinoza]
Mind and body are one thing, seen sometimes as thought and sometimes as extension [Spinoza]
Emotion is a modification of bodily energy, controlling our actions [Spinoza]
Stoics want to suppress emotions, but Spinoza overcomes them with higher emotions [Spinoza, by Stewart,M]
Spinoza argues that in reality the will and the intellect are 'one and the same' [Spinoza, by Cottingham]
Ideas are powerful entities, which can produce further ideas [Spinoza, by Schmid]
Along with his pantheism, Spinoza equates ethics with the study of human nature [Spinoza, by MacIntyre]
Spinoza names self-interest as the sole source of value [Spinoza, by Stewart,M]
Only self-knowledge can liberate us [Spinoza, by MacIntyre]
Spinoza extended Hobbes's natural rights to cover all possible desires and actions [Spinoza, by Tuck]
Spinoza strongly attacked teleology, which is the lifeblood of classical logos [Roochnik on Spinoza]
For Spinoza eyes don't act for purposes, but follow mechanical necessity [Roochnik on Spinoza]
The key question for Spinoza is: is his God really a God? [Stewart,M on Spinoza]
Spinoza's God is not a person [Spinoza, by Jolley]
God is wholly without passions, and strictly speaking does not love anyone [Spinoza, by Cottingham]
Spinoza's God is just power and necessity, without perfection or wisdom [Leibniz on Spinoza]
God is the sum and principle of all eternal laws [Spinoza, by Armstrong,K]
In Spinoza, one could substitute 'nature' or 'substance' for the word 'God' throughout [Spinoza, by Stewart,M]
Spinoza's theory of mind implies that there is no immortality [Spinoza, by Stewart,M]
Spinoza's life shows that love of truth which he proclaims as the highest value [MacIntyre on Spinoza]
For Spinoza, 'adequacy' is the intrinsic mark of truth [Spinoza, by Scruton]
That God is the substance of all things is an ill-reputed doctrine [Leibniz on Spinoza]
From a definite cause an effect necessarily follows [Spinoza]
A true idea must correspond with its ideate or object [Spinoza]
If a thing can be conceived as non-existing, its essence does not involve existence [Spinoza]
Some things makes me conceive of it as a thing whose essence requires its existence [Spinoza]
Substance is that of which an independent conception can be formed [Spinoza]
An 'attribute' is what the intellect takes as constituting an essence [Spinoza]
A 'mode' is an aspect of a substance, and conceived through that substance [Spinoza]
Spinoza says a substance of infinite attributes cannot fail to exist [Spinoza, by Lord]
God is a substance with infinite attributes [Spinoza]
A thing is free if it acts by necessity of its own nature, and the act is determined by itself alone [Spinoza]
Two substances can't be the same if they have different attributes [Spinoza]
Outside the mind, there are just things and their properties [Spinoza]
There cannot be two substances with the same attributes [Spinoza]
Substance is the power of self-actualisation [Spinoza, by Lord]
People who are ignorant of true causes imagine anything can change into anything else [Spinoza]
There is necessarily for each existent thing a cause why it should exist [Spinoza]
The more reality a thing has, the more attributes it has [Spinoza]
In nature there is just one infinite substance [Spinoza]
Denial of God is denial that his essence involves existence, which is absurd [Spinoza]
God is being as such, and you cannot conceive of the non-existence of being [Spinoza, by Lord]
God must necessarily exist, because no reason can be given for his non-existence [Spinoza]
There must always be a reason or cause why some triangle does or does not exist [Spinoza]
Everything is in God, and nothing exists or is thinkable without God [Spinoza]
An infinite line can be marked in feet or inches, so one infinity is twelve times the other [Spinoza]
God is the efficient cause of essences, as well as of existences [Spinoza]
Divine nature makes all existence and operations necessary, and nothing is contingent [Spinoza]
God does not act according to the freedom of the will [Spinoza]
An act of will can only occur if it has been caused, which implies a regress of causes [Spinoza]
The actual world is the only one God could have created [Spinoza]
Things are impossible if they imply contradiction, or their production lacks an external cause [Spinoza]
We only call things 'contingent' in relation to the imperfection of our knowledge [Spinoza]
Necessity is in reference to essence or to cause [Spinoza]
To say that God promotes what is good is false, as it sets up a goal beyond God [Spinoza]
All natures of things produce some effect [Spinoza]
Men say they prefer order, not realising that we imagine the order [Spinoza]
Priests reject as heretics anyone who tries to understand miracles in a natural way [Spinoza]
Final causes are figments of human imagination [Spinoza]
Nature has no particular goal in view, and final causes are mere human figments [Spinoza]
God has no purpose, because God lacks nothing [Spinoza]
Mathematics deals with the essences and properties of forms [Spinoza]
Essence gives existence and conception to things, and is inseparable from them [Spinoza]
An 'idea' is a mental conception which is actively formed by the mind in thinking [Spinoza]
A thing is unified if its parts produce a single effect [Spinoza]
We can easily think of nature as one individual [Spinoza]
Ideas and things have identical connections and order [Spinoza]
The essence of man is modifications of the nature of God [Spinoza]
The essence of a thing is what is required for it to exist or be conceived [Spinoza]
The human mind is part of the infinite intellect of God [Spinoza]
Spinoza held that the mind is just a bundle of ideas [Spinoza, by Schmid]
If the body is affected by an external object, the mind can't help believing that the object exists [Spinoza]
Error does not result from imagining, but from lacking the evidence of impossibility [Spinoza]
If the body is affected by two things together, the imagining of one will conjure up the other [Spinoza]
The human mind is the very idea or knowledge of the human body [Spinoza]
Anyone who knows, must know that they know, and even know that they know that they know.. [Spinoza]
Mind and body are the same thing, sometimes seen as thought, and sometimes as extension [Spinoza]
Self-knowledge needs perception of the affections of the body [Spinoza]
The mind only knows itself by means of ideas of the modification of the body [Spinoza]
Encounters with things confuse the mind, and internal comparisons bring clarity [Spinoza]
'Free will' is a misunderstanding arising from awareness of our actions, but ignorance of their causes [Spinoza]
Claiming that actions depend on the will is meaningless; no one knows what the will is [Spinoza]
Nothing is essential if it is in every part, and is common to everything [Spinoza]
The 'universal' term 'man' is just imagining whatever is the same in a multitude of men [Spinoza]
If our ideas are adequate, what follows from them is also adequate [Spinoza]
True ideas intrinsically involve the highest degree of certainty [Spinoza]
You only know you are certain of something when you actually are certain of it [Spinoza]
Truth is its own standard [Spinoza]
Reason perceives things under a certain form of eternity [Spinoza]
Reason only explains what is universal, so it is timeless, under a certain form of eternity [Spinoza]
Reason naturally regards things as necessary, and only imagination considers them contingent [Spinoza]
Things persevere through a force which derives from God [Spinoza]
People make calculation mistakes by misjudging the figures, not calculating them wrongly [Spinoza]
Ideas are not images formed in the brain, but are the conceptions of thought [Spinoza]
The will is not a desire, but the faculty of affirming what is true or false [Spinoza]
Faculties are either fictions, or the abstract universals of ideas [Spinoza]
Will and intellect are the same thing [Spinoza]
The will is finite, but the intellect is infinite [Spinoza]
A man who assents without doubt to a falsehood is not certain, but lacks a cause to make him waver [Spinoza]
The idea of a triangle involves truths about it, so those are part of its essence [Spinoza]
Would we die if we lacked free will, and were poised between equal foods? Yes! [Spinoza]
We must be careful to keep words distinct from ideas and images [Spinoza]
An idea involves affirmation or negation [Spinoza]
Unlike Descartes' atomism, Spinoza held a holistic view of belief [Spinoza, by Schmid]
Laws of nature are universal, so everything must be understood through those laws [Spinoza]
We are the source of an action if only our nature can explain the action [Spinoza]
Whenever we act, then desire is our very essence [Spinoza]
We act when it follows from our nature, and is understood in that way [Spinoza]
The three primary emotions are pleasure, pain, and desire [Spinoza, by Goldie]
Minds are subject to passions if they have inadequate ideas [Spinoza]
The mind is not free to remember or forget anything [Spinoza]
Animals are often observed to be wiser than people [Spinoza]
Only an external cause can destroy something [Spinoza]
As far as possible, everything tries to persevere [Spinoza]
The essence of a thing is its effort to persevere [Spinoza]
We don't want things because they are good; we judge things to be good because we want them [Spinoza]
The conatus (striving) of mind and body together is appetite, which is the essence of man [Spinoza]
We are incapable of formulating an idea which excludes the existence of our body [Spinoza]
Pleasure is a passive state in which the mind increases in perfection [Spinoza]
Love is nothing else but pleasure accompanied by the idea of an external cause [Spinoza]
We love or hate people more strongly because we think they are free [Spinoza]
Once we have experienced two feelings together, one will always give rise to the other [Spinoza]
The three primary emotions are pleasure, pain and desire [Spinoza]
A horse would be destroyed if it were changed into a man or an insect [Spinoza]
By 'good' I mean what brings us ever closer to our model of human nature [Spinoza]
Music is good for a melancholic, bad for a mourner, and indifferent to the deaf [Spinoza]
A final cause is simply a human desire [Spinoza]
A thing is contingent if nothing in its essence determines whether or not it exists [Spinoza]
Our own force of persevering is nothing in comparison with external forces [Spinoza]
Reason demands nothing contrary to nature, and so it demands self-love [Spinoza]
Both virtue and happiness are based on the preservation of one's own being [Spinoza]
Rational people are self-interested, but also desire the same goods for other people [Spinoza]
The ideal for human preservation is unanimity among people [Spinoza]
The more we strive for our own advantage, the more virtuous we are [Spinoza]
It is impossible that the necessity of a person's nature should produce a desire for non-existence [Spinoza]
All virtue is founded on self-preservation [Spinoza]
We seek our own advantage, and virtue is doing this rationally [Spinoza]
Understanding is the sole aim of reason, and the only profit for the mind [Spinoza]
To understand is the absolute virtue of the mind [Spinoza]
God is not loveable for producing without choice and by necessity; God is loveable for his goodness [Leibniz on Spinoza]
In so far as men live according to reason, they will agree with one another [Spinoza]
If people are obedient to reason, they will live in harmony [Spinoza]
To live according to reason is to live according to the laws of human nature [Spinoza]
Men only agree in nature if they are guided by reason [Spinoza]
To act virtuously is to act rationally [Spinoza]
Animals feel, but that doesn't mean we can't use them for our pleasure and profit [Spinoza]
The poet who forgot his own tragedies was no longer the same man [Spinoza]
Love is joy with an external cause [Spinoza]
People who live according to reason should avoid pity [Spinoza]
A person unmoved by either reason or pity to help others is rightly called 'inhuman' [Spinoza]
Pity is a bad and useless thing, as it is a pain, and rational people perform good deeds without it [Spinoza]
A rational person will want others to have the goods he seeks for himself [Spinoza]
Self-satisfaction is the highest thing for which we can hope [Spinoza]
A man ignorant of himself is ignorant of all of the virtues [Spinoza]
The sum of its angles follows from a triangle's nature [Spinoza]
Pity is not a virtue, but at least it shows a desire to live uprightly [Spinoza]
Pleasure is only bad in so far as it hinders a man's capability for action [Spinoza]
If our ideas were wholly adequate, we would have no concept of evil [Spinoza]
The wisdom of a free man is a meditation on life, not on death [Spinoza]
In a free man, choosing flight can show as much strength of mind as fighting [Spinoza]
Man's highest happiness consists of perfecting his understanding, or reason [Spinoza]
The best use of talent is to teach other people to live rationally [Spinoza]
Slavery is a disgraceful crime [Spinoza]
Rational people judge money by needs, and live contented with very little [Spinoza]
An emotion comes more under our control in proportion to how well it is known to us [Spinoza]
If infancy in humans was very rare, we would consider it a pitiful natural defect [Spinoza]
An emotion is only bad if it hinders us from thinking [Spinoza]
If we are not wholly wise, we should live by good rules and maxims [Spinoza]
God feels no emotions, of joy or sorrow [Spinoza]
After death, something eternal remains of the mind [Spinoza]
The eyes of the mind are proofs [Spinoza]
Knowledge is the essence of the mind [Spinoza]
To understand the properties we must know the essence, as with a circle [Spinoza]
All the intrinsic properties of a thing should be deducible from its definition [Spinoza]
Spinoza wanted democracy based on individual rights, and is thus the first modern political philosopher [Stewart,M on Spinoza]
Society exists to extend human awareness [Spinoza, by Watson]
The Bible has nothing in common with reasoning and philosophy [Spinoza]
In nature everything has an absolute right to do anything it is capable of doing [Spinoza]
Natural rights are determined by desire and power, not by reason [Spinoza]
The order of nature does not prohibit anything, and allows whatever appetite produces [Spinoza]
Forming a society meant following reason, and giving up dangerous appetites and mutual harm [Spinoza]
Without reason and human help, human life is misery [Spinoza]
People only give up their rights, and keep promises, if they hope for some greater good [Spinoza]
Once you have given up your rights, there is no going back [Spinoza]
Democracy is a legitimate gathering of people who do whatever they can do [Spinoza]
Slavery is not just obedience, but acting only in the interests of the master [Spinoza]
The freest state is a rational one, where people can submit themselves to reason [Spinoza]
People are only free if they are guided entirely by reason [Spinoza]
In democracy we don't abandon our rights, but transfer them to the majority of us [Spinoza]
The sovereignty has absolute power over citizens [Spinoza]
State and religious law can clash, so the state must make decisions about religion [Spinoza]
Everyone who gives up their rights must fear the recipients of them [Spinoza]
No one, in giving up their power and right, ceases to be a human being [Spinoza]
Sovereignty must include the power to make people submit to it [Spinoza]
Every state is more frightened of its own citizens than of external enemies [Spinoza]
The early Hebrews, following Moses, gave up their rights to God alone [Spinoza]
If religion is law, then piety is justice, impiety is crime, and non-believers must leave [Spinoza]
Hebrews were very hostile to other states, who had not given up their rights to God [Spinoza]
Peoples are created by individuals, not by nature, and only distinguished by language and law [Spinoza]
Monarchs are always proud, and can't back down [Spinoza]
Kings tend to fight wars for glory, rather than for peace and liberty [Spinoza]
Allowing religious ministers any control of the state is bad for both parties [Spinoza]
Government is oppressive if opinions can be crimes, because people can't give them up [Spinoza]
Deposing a monarch is dangerous, because the people are used to royal authority [Spinoza]
Treason may be committed as much by words as by deeds [Spinoza]
The state aims to allow personal development, so its main purpose is freedom [Spinoza]
Without liberty of thought there is no trust in the state, and corruption follows [Spinoza]
A talking triangle would say God is triangular [Spinoza]
God no more has human perfections than we have animal perfections [Spinoza]
Experience does not teach us any essences of things [Spinoza]
The most beautiful hand seen through the microscope will appear horrible [Spinoza]
God is a being with infinite attributes, each of them infinite or perfect [Spinoza]
Whether nature is beautiful or orderly is entirely in relation to human imagination [Spinoza]
Trying to prove God's existence through miracles is proving the obscure by the more obscure [Spinoza]
A thing is free if it acts only by the necessity of its own nature [Spinoza]