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Single Idea 21930

[filed under theme 19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 1. Meaning ]

Full Idea

A noun [for Aristotle] is proper when it has but a single sense. Better, it is only in this case that it is properly a noun. Univocity is the essence, or better, the telos of language.


'Univocity' is having only a single meaning

Gist of Idea

For Aristotle all proper nouns must have a single sense, which is the purpose of language


Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 5

Book Ref

Glendinning,Simon: 'Derrida: a Very Short Intro' [OUP 2011], p.55

A Reaction

[no ref given] His target seem to be Aristotelian definition, and also formal logic, which usually needs unambiguous meanings. {I'm puzzled that he thinks 'telos' is simply better than 'essence', since it is quite different].

The 38 ideas from Jacques Derrida

'Différance' is the interwoven history of each sign [Derrida, by Glendinning]
Deconstructing philosophy gives the history of concepts, and the repressions behind them [Derrida]
The movement of 'différance' is the root of all the oppositional concepts in our language [Derrida]
Derrida came to believe in the undeconstructability of justice, which cannot be relativised [Derrida, by Critchley]
A community must consist of singular persons, with nothing in common [Derrida, by Glendinning]
Can there be democratic friendship without us all becoming identical? [Derrida, by Glendinning]
Derrida focuses on ambiguity, but talks of 'dissemination', not traditional multiple meanings [Derrida]
I try to analyse certain verbal concepts which block and confuse the dialectical process [Derrida]
Deconstruction is not neutral; it intervenes [Derrida]
Everything that is experienced in consciousness is meaning [Derrida]
The idea of being as persistent presence, and meaning as conscious intelligibility, are self-destructive [Derrida, by Glendinning]
We aim to explore the limits of expression (as in Mallarmé's poetry) [Derrida]
Sincerity can't be verified, so fiction infuses speech, and hence reality also [Derrida]
Derrida says that all truth-talk is merely metaphor [Derrida, by Engel]
True thoughts are inaccessible, in the subconscious, prior to speech or writing [Derrida]
'I' is the perfect name, because it denotes without description [Derrida]
Names have a subjective aspect, especially the role of our own name [Derrida]
Even Kripke can't explain names; the word is the thing, and the thing is the word [Derrida]
'Dissemination' is opposed to polysemia, since that is irreducible, because of multiple understandings [Derrida, by Glendinning]
The good is implicitly violent (against evil), so there is no pure good [Derrida]
'Tacit theory' controls our thinking (which is why Freud is important) [Derrida]
Words exist in 'spacing', so meanings are never synchronic except in writing [Derrida]
Heidegger showed that passing time is the key to consciousness [Derrida]
Meanings depend on differences and contrasts [Derrida]
For Aristotle all proper nouns must have a single sense, which is the purpose of language [Derrida]
Capacity for repetitions is the hallmark of language [Derrida]
The sign is only conceivable as a movement between elusive presences [Derrida]
Writing functions even if the sender or the receiver are absent [Derrida, by Glendinning]
Madness and instability ('the demonic hyperbole') lurks in all language [Derrida]
Derrida focuses on other philosophers, rather than on science [Derrida]
Philosophy is just a linguistic display [Derrida]
Philosophy aims to build foundations for thought [Derrida, by May]
Philosophy is necessarily metaphorical, and its writing is aesthetic [Derrida]
Sentences are contradictory, as they have opposite meanings in some contexts [Derrida]
Interpretations can be interpreted, so there is no original 'meaning' available [Derrida]
Hermeneutics blunts truth, by conforming it to the interpreter [Derrida, by Zimmermann,J]
Hermeneutics is hostile, trying to overcome the other person's difference [Derrida, by Zimmermann,J]
Structuralism destroys awareness of dynamic meaning [Derrida]