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Single Idea 22381

[filed under theme 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / b. Successful function ]

Full Idea

Being a good father, or daughter, or friend seems to depend on one's intentions, rather than on such things as cleverness and strength.

Gist of Idea

Being a good father seems to depend on intentions, rather than actual abilities


Philippa Foot (Goodness and Choice [1961], p.138)

Book Ref

Foot,Philippa: 'Virtues and Vices' [Blackwell 1981], p.138

A Reaction

Not sure about that. In wartime a good father might need to be actually brave, and in times of hardship be actually economically successful. 'He meant well, but he was a hopeless father'?

The 94 ideas from Philippa Foot

Abortion is puzzling because we do and don't want the unborn child to have rights [Foot]
A 'double effect' is a foreseen but not desired side-effect, which may be forgivable [Foot]
The doctrine of double effect can excuse an outcome because it wasn't directly intended [Foot]
Double effect says foreseeing you will kill someone is not the same as intending it [Foot]
Without double effect, bad men can make us do evil by threatening something worse [Foot]
Double effect seems to rely on a distinction between what we do and what we allow [Foot]
Determinism threatens free will if actions can be causally traced to external factors [Foot]
Not all actions need motives, but it is irrational to perform troublesome actions with no motive [Foot]
People can act out of vanity without being vain, or even vain about this kind of thing [Foot]
Some words, such as 'knife', have a meaning which involves its function [Foot]
Being a good father seems to depend on intentions, rather than actual abilities [Foot]
There is no fact-value gap in 'owls should see in the dark' [Foot]
Human defects are just like plant or animal defects [Foot]
Humans need courage like a plant needs roots [Foot]
Concepts such as function, welfare, flourishing and interests only apply to living things [Foot]
If you demonstrate the reason to act, there is no further question of 'why should I?' [Foot]
It is an odd Humean view to think a reason to act must always involve caring [Foot]
Full rationality must include morality [Foot]
Practical reason is goodness in choosing actions [Foot]
Principles are not ultimate, but arise from the necessities of human life [Foot]
It is not true that killing and allowing to die (or acts and omissions) are morally indistinguishable [Foot]
The right of non-interference (with a 'negative duty'), and the right to goods/services ('positive') [Foot]
Making a runaway tram kill one person instead of five is diverting a fatal sequence, not initiating one [Foot]
Maybe virtues conflict with each other, if some virtue needs a vice for its achievement [Foot]
Some virtues imply rules, and others concern attachment [Foot]
Virtues can have aims, but good states of affairs are not among them [Foot]
A good moral system benefits its participants, and so demands reciprocity [Foot]
We see a moral distinction between doing and allowing to happen [Foot]
We see a moral distinction between our aims and their foreseen consequences [Foot]
Acts and omissions only matter if they concern doing something versus allowing it [Foot]
We sometimes just use the word 'should' to impose a rule of conduct on someone [Foot]
A moral system must deal with the dangers and benefits of life [Foot]
Morality shows murder is wrong, but not what counts as a murder [Foot]
In the case of something lacking independence, calling it a human being is a matter of choice [Foot]
Saying something 'just is' right or wrong creates an illusion of fact and objectivity [Foot]
There is no restitution after a dilemma, if it only involved the agent, or just needed an explanation [Foot, by PG]
I can't understand how someone can be necessarily wrong whatever he does [Foot]
Non-cognitivists give the conditions of use of moral sentences as facts about the speaker [Foot]
The mistake is to think good grounds aren't enough for moral judgement, which also needs feelings [Foot]
Moral arguments are grounded in human facts [Foot]
Whether someone is rude is judged by agreed criteria, so the facts dictate the value [Foot]
We can't affirm a duty without saying why it matters if it is not performed [Foot]
Moral judgements need more than the relevant facts, if the same facts lead to 'x is good' and 'x is bad' [Foot]
Facts and values are connected if we cannot choose what counts as evidence of rightness [Foot]
Moral norms are objective, connected to facts about human goods [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
Morality gives everyone reasons to act, irrespective of their desires [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
The meaning of 'good' and other evaluations must include the object to which they attach [Foot]
We all have reason to cultivate the virtues, even when we lack the desire [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
When we say 'is red' we don't mean 'seems red to most people' [Foot]
All people need affection, cooperation, community and help in trouble [Foot]
Do we have a concept of value, other than wanting something, or making an effort to get it? [Foot]
Reason is not a motivator of morality [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
Rejecting moral rules may be villainous, but it isn't inconsistent [Foot]
Morality no more consists of categorical imperatives than etiquette does [Foot]
Saying we 'ought to be moral' makes no sense, unless it relates to some other system [Foot]
Morality is inescapable, in descriptive words such as 'dishonest', 'unjust' and 'uncharitable' [Foot]
Moral reason is not just neutral, because morality is part of the standard of rationality [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
Moral virtues arise from human nature, as part of what makes us good human beings [Foot, by Hacker-Wright]
Moral evaluations are not separate from facts, but concern particular facts about functioning [Foot]
Good actions can never be justified by the good they brings to their agent [Foot]
Practical rationality must weigh both what is morally and what is non-morally required [Foot]
All criterions of practical rationality derive from goodness of will [Foot]
Virtues are as necessary to humans as stings are to bees [Foot]
Sterility is a human defect, but the choice to be childless is not [Foot]
Wisdom only implies the knowledge achievable in any normal lifetime [Foot]
Someone is a good person because of their rational will, not their body or memory [Foot]
Deep happiness usually comes from the basic things in life [Foot]
Happiness is enjoying the pursuit and attainment of right ends [Foot]
We all know that just pretending to be someone's friend is not the good life [Foot]
Refraining from murder is not made good by authenticity or self-fulfilment [Foot]
The practice of justice may well need a recognition of human equality [Foot]
Unlike aesthetic evaluation, moral evaluation needs a concept of responsibility [Foot]
Calling a knife or farmer or speech or root good does not involve attitudes or feelings [Foot]
The essential thing is the 'needs' of plants and animals, and their operative parts [Foot]
Observing justice is necessary to humans, like hunting to wolves or dancing to bees [Foot]
Possessing the virtue of justice disposes a person to good practical rationality [Foot]
Good and bad are a matter of actions, not of internal dispositions [Foot]
I don't understand the idea of a reason for acting, but it is probably the agent's interests or desires [Foot]
Moral judgements are hypothetical, because they depend on interests and desires [Foot]
Consequentialists can hurt the innocent in order to prevent further wickedness [Foot]
For consequentialism, it is irrational to follow a rule which in this instance ends badly [Foot]
Why might we think that a state of affairs can be morally good or bad? [Foot]
Good outcomes are not external guides to morality, but a part of virtuous actions [Foot]
We should speak the truth, but also preserve and pursue it [Foot]
Morality is seen as tacit legislation by the community [Foot]
The idea of a good state of affairs has no role in the thought of Aristotle, Rawls or Scanlon [Foot]
Virtues are intended to correct design flaws in human beings [Foot, by Driver]
Virtues are corrective, to resist temptation or strengthen motivation [Foot]
Courage overcomes the fears which should be overcome, and doesn't overvalue personal safety [Foot]
Temperance is not a virtue if it results from timidity or excessive puritanism [Foot]
Most people think virtues can be displayed in bad actions [Foot]
Actions can be in accordance with virtue, but without actually being virtuous [Foot]
We take courage, temperance, wisdom and justice as moral, but Aristotle takes wisdom as intellectual [Foot]
Wisdom is open to all, and not just to the clever or well trained [Foot]