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Single Idea 2240

[filed under theme 13. Knowledge Criteria / D. Scepticism / 6. Scepticism Critique ]

Full Idea

It may seem a very extravagant attempt of the sceptics to destroy reason by argument and ratiocination; yet is this the grand scope of all their enquiries and disputes.

Gist of Idea

It is a very extravagant aim of the sceptics to destroy reason and argument by means of reason and argument


David Hume (Enquiry Conc Human Understanding [1748], XII.II.124)

Book Ref

Hume,David: 'Enquiries Conc. Human Understanding, Morals', ed/tr. Selby-Bigge/Nidditch [OUP 1975], p.155

The 85 ideas from 'Enquiry Conc Human Understanding'

'Natural beliefs' are unavoidable, whatever our judgements [Hume, by Strawson,G]
Hume mistakenly lumps sensations and perceptions together as 'impressions' [Scruton on Hume]
Premises can support an argument without entailing it [Pollock/Cruz on Hume]
At first Hume said qualities are the causal entities, but later he said events [Hume, by Davidson]
Hume never shows how a strong habit could generate the concept of necessity [Harré/Madden on Hume]
Hume's regularity theory of causation is epistemological; he believed in some sort of natural necessity [Hume, by Strawson,G]
All reasoning concerning matters of fact is based on analogy (with similar results of similar causes) [Hume]
We cannot form an idea of a 'power', and the word is without meaning [Hume]
Cause is where if the first object had not been, the second had not existed [Hume]
General ideas are the connection by resemblance to some particular [Hume]
Impressions are our livelier perceptions, Ideas the less lively ones [Hume]
Hume is loose when he says perceptions of different strength are different species [Reid on Hume]
All ideas are copies of impressions [Hume]
We can only invent a golden mountain by combining experiences [Hume]
The idea of an infinite, intelligent, wise and good God arises from augmenting the best qualities of our own minds [Hume]
We cannot form the idea of something we haven't experienced [Hume]
If a person had a gap in their experience of blue shades, they could imaginatively fill it in [Hume]
If we suspect that a philosophical term is meaningless, we should ask what impression it derives from [Hume]
All ideas are connected by Resemblance, Contiguity in time or place, and Cause and Effect [Hume]
Hume says we can only know constant conjunctions, not that that's what causation IS [Hume, by Strawson,G]
Relations of ideas are known by thought, independently from the world [Hume]
All objects of enquiry are Relations of Ideas, or Matters of Fact [Hume]
All reasoning about facts is causal; nothing else goes beyond memory and senses [Hume]
How could Adam predict he would drown in water or burn in fire? [Hume]
No causes can be known a priori, but only from experience of constant conjunctions [Hume]
The observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy [Hume]
We can discover some laws of nature, but never its ultimate principles and causes [Hume]
Reason assists experience in discovering laws, and in measuring their application [Hume]
We assume similar secret powers behind similar experiences, such as the nourishment of bread [Hume]
Hume just shows induction isn't deduction [Williams,M on Hume]
Reason cannot show why reliable past experience should extend to future times and remote places [Hume]
All experimental conclusions assume that the future will be like the past [Hume]
Only madmen dispute the authority of experience [Hume]
Induction can't prove that the future will be like the past, since induction assumes this [Hume]
Fools, children and animals all learn from experience [Hume]
All inferences from experience are effects of custom, not reasoning [Hume]
If we infer causes from repetition, this explains why we infer from a thousand objects what we couldn't infer from one [Hume]
You couldn't reason at all if you lacked experience [Hume]
Reasons for belief must eventually terminate in experience, or they are without foundation [Hume]
Belief can't be a concept plus an idea, or we could add the idea to fictions [Hume]
Belief is just a particular feeling attached to ideas of objects [Hume]
Belief is stronger, clearer and steadier than imagination [Hume]
A picture of a friend strengthens our idea of him, by resemblance [Hume]
Hume does not distinguish real resemblances among degrees of resemblance [Shoemaker on Hume]
When I am close to (contiguous with) home, I feel its presence more nearly [Hume]
An object made by a saint is the best way to produce thoughts of him [Hume]
Beliefs are built up by resemblance, contiguity and causation [Hume]
Our awareness of patterns of causation is too important to be left to slow and uncertain reasoning [Hume]
There is no such thing as chance [Hume]
We transfer the frequency of past observations to our future predictions [Hume]
Hume never even suggests that there is no such thing as causation [Hume, by Strawson,G]
When definitions are pushed to the limit, only experience can make them precise [Hume]
In observing causes we can never observe any necessary connections or binding qualities [Hume]
Only experience teaches us about our wills [Hume]
In both of Hume's definitions, causation is extrinsic to the sequence of events [Psillos on Hume]
Hume's definition of cause as constantly joined thoughts can't cover undiscovered laws [Ayer on Hume]
A cause is either similar events following one another, or an experience always suggesting a second experience [Hume]
The doctrine of free will arises from a false sensation we have of freedom in many actions [Hume]
Liberty is merely acting according to the will, which anyone can do if they are not in chains [Hume]
Praise and blame can only be given if an action proceeds from a person's character and disposition [Hume]
If you deny all necessity and causation, then our character is not responsible for our crime [Hume]
Repentance gets rid of guilt, which shows that responsibility arose from the criminal principles in the mind [Hume]
Hume makes determinism less rigid by removing the necessity from causation [Trusted on Hume]
We think testimony matches reality because of experience, not some a priori connection [Hume]
A miracle violates laws which have been established by continuous unchanging experience, so should be ignored [Hume]
All experience must be against a supposed miracle, or it wouldn't be called 'a miracle' [Hume]
To establish a miracle the falseness of the evidence must be a greater miracle than the claimed miraculous event [Hume]
Good testimony needs education, integrity, motive and agreement [Hume, by PG]
You can't infer the cause to be any greater than its effect [Hume]
No government has ever suffered by being too tolerant of philosophy [Hume]
If a singular effect is studied, its cause can only be inferred from the types of events involved [Hume]
It is only when two species of thing are constantly conjoined that we can infer one from the other [Hume]
There is no certain supreme principle, or infallible rule of inference [Hume]
It never occurs to people that they only experience representations, not the real objects [Hume]
Examples of illusion only show that sense experience needs correction by reason [Hume]
Reason can never show that experiences are connected to external objects [Hume]
If secondary qualities (e.g. hardness) are in the mind, so are primary qualities like extension [Hume]
We can't think about the abstract idea of triangles, but only of particular triangles [Hume]
It is a very extravagant aim of the sceptics to destroy reason and argument by means of reason and argument [Hume]
The main objection to scepticism is that no good can come of it [Hume]
Mitigated scepticism draws attention to the limitations of human reason, and encourages modesty [Hume]
Mitigated scepticism sensibly confines our enquiries to the narrow capacity of human understanding [Hume]
If books don't relate ideas or explain facts, commit them to the flames [Hume]
A priori it looks as if a cause could have absolutely any effect [Hume]
It can never be a logical contradiction to assert the non-existence of something thought to exist [Hume]