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Single Idea 22853

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 11. Capitalism ]

Full Idea

Wage earners consent to capitalist organisation of society when they act as if they could improve their material conditions within the confines of capitalism.

Gist of Idea

Anyone who thinks capitalism can improve their lives is endorsing capitalism


Steven Lukes (Power: a Radical View (2nd ed) [2005], Intro)

Book Ref

Lukes,Steven: 'Power: a radical view' [Macmillan 2005], p.9

A Reaction

[He is citing Przeworski 1985] Not plausible as it stands. Does a prisoner who tries to improve their life within a hideous prison thereby endorse the prison system? In Auschwitz? Slaves can go along with the system for years, then suddenly rebel.

The 15 ideas from 'Power: a Radical View (2nd ed)'

Hidden powers are the most effective [Lukes]
Power is a capacity, which may never need to be exercised [Lukes]
The pluralist view says that power is restrained by group rivalry [Lukes]
In the 1950s they said ideology is finished, and expertise takes over [Lukes]
Anyone who thinks capitalism can improve their lives is endorsing capitalism [Lukes]
One-dimensionsal power is behaviour in observable conflicts of interests [Lukes]
Political organisation brings some conflicts to the fore, and suppresses others [Lukes]
The two-dimensional view of power recognises the importance of controlling the agenda [Lukes]
Power can be exercised to determine a person's desires [Lukes]
The evidence for the exertion of power need not involve a grievance of the powerless [Lukes]
There is collective action, where a trend is manifest, but is not attributable to individuals [Lukes]
Liberals take people as they are, and take their preferences to be their interests [Lukes]
Power is affecting a person in a way contrary to their interests [Lukes]
Power is the capacity of a social class to realise its interests [Lukes]
Supreme power is getting people to have thoughts and desires chosen by you [Lukes]