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Single Idea 22969

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

The man who possesses no other property than his labour power must, in all conditions of society and culture, be the slave of other men who have made themselves the owners of the material conditions of labour. He can only work with their permission.

Gist of Idea

People who only have their labour power are the slaves of those permitting them to work


Karl Marx (Critique of the Gotha Program [1875], I)

Book Ref

Marx,Karl: 'Selected Writings', ed/tr. Simon,Lawrence H. [Hackett 1994], p.316

A Reaction

In a world of vast multinationals, the person giving the permission to work is nearly always dependent on some higher level permission. In any sort of society people can only work with the consensus of other people.

The 31 ideas from Karl Marx

Must production determine superstructure, or could it be the other way round? [Singer on Marx]
Even decently paid workers still have their produce bought with money stolen from them [Marx]
Freedom only comes when labour is no longer necessary [Marx]
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need [Marx]
People who only have their labour power are the slaves of those permitting them to work [Marx]
Bourgeois 'freedom of conscience' just tolerates all sorts of religious intolerance [Marx]
Freedom is making the state subordinate to its society [Marx]
In moving from capitalism to communism a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is needed [Marx]
The real will of the cooperative will replace the 'will of the people' [Marx]
The middle class gain freedom through property, but workers can only free all of humanity [Marx, by Singer]
Religion is the opium of the people, and real happiness requires its abolition [Marx]
Theory is as much a part of a revolution as material force is [Marx]
Marxists say liberal rights are confrontational, and liberal equality is a sham [Marx, by Wolff,J]
Man is dominated by money, which is the essence of his alienation [Marx]
The handmill gives feudalism, the steam mill capitalism [Marx]
The authentic self exists at the level of class, rather than the individual [Marx, by Dunt]
Whether human thinking can be 'true' must be decided in practice, not theory [Marx]
The human essence is not found in individuals but in social relations [Marx]
Religious feeling is social in origin [Marx]
Philosophers have interpreted the world, but the point is to change it [Marx]
Armies and businesses create moralities in which their activity can do no wrong [Marx, by Weil]
Early Marx anticipates communitarian objections to liberalism [Marx, by Oksala]
Liberal freedom is the right to be separate, and ignores the union of man with man [Marx]
By saying the material dialectic of history aspires to the best, Marx agreed with capitalism [Weil on Marx]
False consciousness results from concealment by the superstructure [Marx, by Singer]
Marx says force is everything, and that the weak will become strong, while remaining the weak [Weil on Marx]
Marx rejected equal rights because they never actually treat people as equals [Marx, by Kymlicka]
The essence of capitalism is the subordination of people to things [Marx, by Weil]
Capitalism changes the world, by socialising the idea of a commodity [Marx, by Bowie]
Marx thought capitalism was partly liberating, and could make labour and ownership more humane [Marx, by Bowie]
Liberals want the right to be separate, rather than for people to be united [Marx]