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Single Idea 23054

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

Green condemned pure communism, not in the name of any abstract rights of the individual, but of the right of the community itself to the best that individuals can contribute through the free and spontaneous exercise of their powers of self-expression.

Gist of Idea

Communism is wrong because it restricts the freedom of individuals to contribute to the community


report of T.H. Green (Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation [1882]) by John H. Muirhead - The Service of the State IV

Book Ref

Muirhead,John H.: 'The Service of the State: T.H. Green' [John Murray 2021], p.93

A Reaction

Interesting. In a very authoritarian communist state it does seem that citizens are less able to contribute to the general good. But extreme liberty seems also to undermine the general good. Hm.

The 27 ideas from T.H. Green

Knowledge is secured by the relations between its parts, through differences and identities [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
The highest political efforts express our deeper social spirit [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Equality also implies liberty, because equality must be of opportunity as well as possessions [Green,TH]
National spirit only exists in the individuals who embody it [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
The ground of property ownership is not force but the power to use it for social ends [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Communism is wrong because it restricts the freedom of individuals to contribute to the community [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
States only have full authority if they heed the claims of human fellowship [Green,TH]
Original common ownership is securing private property, not denying it [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Property is needed by all citizens, to empower them to achieve social goods [Green,TH]
The good life aims at perfections, or absolute laws, or what is absolutely desirable [Green,TH]
People are improved by egalitarian institutions and habits [Green,TH]
All talk of the progress of a nation must reduce to the progress of its individual members [Green,TH]
All knowledge rests on a fundamental unity between the knower and what is known [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
The ultimate test for truth is the systematic interdependence in nature [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
The good is identified by the capacities of its participants [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
A true state is only unified and stabilised by acknowledging individuality [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
People only develop their personality through co-operation with the social whole [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
What is distinctive of human life is the desire for self-improvement [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Hedonism offers no satisfaction, because what we desire is self-betterment [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Politics is compromises, which seem supported by a social contract, but express the will of no one [Green,TH]
The ideal is a society in which all citizens are ladies and gentlemen [Green,TH]
God is the ideal end of the mature mind's final development [Green,TH]
Ideals and metaphysics are practical, not imaginative or speculative [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
Truth is a relation to a whole of organised knowledge in the collection of rational minds [Green,TH, by Muirhead]
If something develops, its true nature is embodied in its end [Green,TH]
God is the realisation of the possibilities of each man's self [Green,TH]
Enfranchisement is an end in itself; it makes a person moral, and gives a basis for respect [Green,TH]