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Single Idea 23112

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 6. Liberalism / g. Liberalism critique ]

Full Idea

Liberals comfortably believe that autonomy minimises contingency, that humans are disposed to the good, that wickedness is due to remediable institutions, and that humans are morally equal because of their autonomy.

Gist of Idea

Liberals ignore contingency, and think people are good and equal, and institutions cause evil


John Kekes (Against Liberalism [1997], 07.4)

Book Ref

Kekes,John: 'Against Liberalism' [Cornell 1997], p.158

A Reaction

In a nutshell, Kekes thinks liberals are naïve. That institutions cause evil sounds more Marxist than liberal. When individuals become evil, it is reasonable for us to think that this need not have been the case.

The 24 ideas with the same theme [difficulties for liberal theory]:

The human race matters, and individuals have little importance [Hegel]
Liberals want the right to be separate, rather than for people to be united [Marx]
The creation of institutions needs a determination which is necessarily anti-liberal [Nietzsche]
Liberalism's weakness is its powerful rigid bureaucracy [Gramsci]
Rawls's account of justice relies on conventional fairness, avoiding all moral controversy [Gray on Rawls]
My Anarchy, State and Utopia neglected our formal social ties and concerns [Nozick on Nozick]
Liberals debate how conservative or radical to be, but don't question their basics [MacIntyre]
Autonomy favours present opinions over future ones, and says nothing about the interests of potential people [Glover]
If a whole community did not mind death, respect for autonomy suggests that you could kill them all [Glover]
Marxists say liberalism is unjust, because it allows exploitation in the sale of labour [Kymlicka]
Ecologism is often non-liberal, by claiming to know other people's best interests [Dobson]
Can individualist theories justify an obligation to fight in a war? [Avineri/De-Shalit]
Liberal justice ignores desert, which is the essence of justice [Kekes]
Liberal distribution cares more about recipients than donors [Kekes]
Why do liberals not see a much wider range of values as basic? [Kekes]
Liberals ignore contingency, and think people are good and equal, and institutions cause evil [Kekes]
Liberalism may fail because it neglects the shared nature of what we pursue and protect [Haldane]
Liberals mistakenly think individuals choose their values, without reference to the community [Swift]
Liberalism should not make assumptions such as the value of choosing your own life plan [Shorten]
Right-wingers attack liberal faith in reason, left-wingers attack its faith in reform [Gopnik]
Cosmopolitan liberals lack national loyalty, and welcome excessive immigration [Gopnik]
Liberalism's attempt to be neutral and colour-blind erases cultural identities [Gopnik]
Modern left-wingers criticise liberalism's control of culture [Gopnik]
Laissez-faire liberalism failed to give people the protections and freedoms needed for a good life [Dunt]