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Single Idea 23134

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / A. Freedoms / 4. Free market ]

Full Idea

'Free societies', as a matter of practical fact, always mean free-market societies - and free markets will never sponsor more than predatory capitalism. Inequalities always emerge.

Gist of Idea

A 'free' society implies a free market, which always produces predatory capitalism and inequalities


Adam Gopnik (A Thousand Small Sanities [2019], 3)

Book Ref

Gopnik,Adam: 'A Thousand Small Sanities' [riverrun 2019], p.149

A Reaction

This is part of his account of left-wing objections to liberalism. The crux of the liberal view is a conviction that the worst of capitalism can be restrained. This began to look doubtful once huge multinational companies emerged. What to do?

The 19 ideas from Adam Gopnik

The opposite of liberalism is dogmatism [Gopnik]
Most good social changes are incremental, rather than revolutionary [Gopnik]
Conservatives often want peace, prosperity and tolerance, but not social fairness [Gopnik]
Liberal community is not blood ties or tradition, but shared choices, and sympathy for the losers [Gopnik]
Liberal community includes flight from the family, into energetic reforming groups [Gopnik]
Conservatives believe obedience and rank are essential to social order [Gopnik]
Right-wingers attack liberal faith in reason, left-wingers attack its faith in reform [Gopnik]
Cosmopolitan liberals lack national loyalty, and welcome excessive immigration [Gopnik]
Popular imperialism gives the poor the belief that their acts have world historical meaning [Gopnik]
Patriots love their place, but nationalists have a paranoid ethnic hostility [Gopnik]
Liberal free speech is actually paid speech [Gopnik]
A 'free' society implies a free market, which always produces predatory capitalism and inequalities [Gopnik]
Liberalism's attempt to be neutral and colour-blind erases cultural identities [Gopnik]
Classic Marxists see liberalism as the ideology of the bourgeoisie [Gopnik]
Environmental disasters result not from capitalism, but from a general drive for growth [Gopnik]
Modern left-wingers criticise liberalism's control of culture [Gopnik]
People are fallible, so liberalism tries to distribute power [Gopnik]
Liberals have tried very hard to build a conscience into their institutions [Gopnik]
Left-wingers are inconsistent in their essentialist descriptions of social groups [Gopnik]