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Single Idea 23205

[filed under theme 19. Language / D. Propositions / 1. Propositions ]

Full Idea

A thought in the shape in which it comes is an ambiguous sign that needs interpretation, more precisely, needs an arbitrary narrowing-down and limitation, until it finally becomes unambiguous.

Gist of Idea

Thought starts as ambiguity, in need of interpretation and narrowing


Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1885-86 [1886], 38[01])

Book Ref

Nietzsche,Friedrich: 'Fragments from 1885-86 (v 16)', ed/tr. Del Caro,Adrian [Stanford 2020], p.155

A Reaction

This is exactly my view of propositions, as mental events. Introspect your thinking process. Track the progress from the first glimmer of a thought to its formulation in a finished sentence. Language, unlike propositions, can be ambiguous.

Related Idea

Idea 9133 Propositions are what settle problems of ambiguity in sentences [Sorensen]

The 31 ideas from 'Unpublished Notebooks 1885-86'

Caesar and Napoleon point to the future, when they pursue their task regardless of human sacrifice [Nietzsche]
Each of our personal drives has its own perspective [Nietzsche]
That all events are necessary does not mean they are compelled [Nietzsche]
Events are just interpretations of groups of appearances [Nietzsche]
A text has many interpretations, but no 'correct' one [Nietzsche]
The greatest drive of life is to discharge strength, rather than preservation [Nietzsche]
For the strongest people, nihilism gives you wings! [Nietzsche]
Different abilities are needed for living in an incomplete and undogmatic system [Nietzsche]
The mind is a simplifying apparatus [Nietzsche]
Numbers enable us to manage the world - to the limits of counting [Nietzsche]
Whatever their origin, concepts survive by being useful [Nietzsche]
Bad writers use shapeless floating splotches of concepts [Nietzsche]
Concepts are rough groups of simultaneous sensations [Nietzsche]
Consciousness is our awareness of our own mental life [Nietzsche]
Minds have an excluding drive to scare things off, and a selecting one to filter facts [Nietzsche]
Concepts don’t match one thing, but many things a little bit [Nietzsche]
Napoleon was very focused, and rightly ignored compassion [Nietzsche]
People feel united as a nation by one language, but then want a common ancestry and history [Nietzsche]
Laws of nature are actually formulas of power relations [Nietzsche]
Logic is a fiction, which invents the view that one thought causes another [Nietzsche]
Memory is essential, and is only possible by means of abbreviation signs [Nietzsche]
In chemistry every substance pushes, and thus creates new substances [Nietzsche]
Aesthetics can be more basic than morality, in our pleasure in certain patterns of experience [Nietzsche]
What is the search for truth if it isn't moral? [Nietzsche]
The controlling morality of aristocracy is the desire to resemble their ancestors [Nietzsche]
Like all philosophers, I love truth [Nietzsche]
The great question is approaching, of how to govern the earth as a whole [Nietzsche]
To be someone you need property, and wanting more is healthy [Nietzsche]
Thought starts as ambiguity, in need of interpretation and narrowing [Nietzsche]
Schematic minds think thoughts are truer if they slot into a scheme [Nietzsche]
Appearance is the sole reality of things, to which all predicates refer [Nietzsche]