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Single Idea 23258

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / D. Justice / 1. Basis of justice ]

Full Idea

The concept of democracy - embodying the principles of participation and equal concern - entails that social justice is a mandatory aim.

Gist of Idea

The very concept of democracy entails a need for justice


A.C. Grayling (The Good State [2020], 2)

Book Ref

Grayling,A.C.: 'The Good State' [Oneworld 2021], p.55

A Reaction

The idea that democracy entails participation in any direct way is what the right wing reject. Sustained participation would presumably entail various sorts of justice.

The 20 ideas from A.C. Grayling

It is legitimate to do harm if it is the unintended side-effect of an effort to achieve a good [Grayling]
War must also have a good chance of success, and be waged with moderation [Grayling]
Russell needed three extra axioms to reduce maths to logic: infinity, choice and reducibility [Grayling]
Two propositions might seem self-evident, but contradict one another [Grayling]
Majority decisions are only acceptable if the minority interests are not vital [Grayling]
The very concept of democracy entails a need for justice [Grayling]
Liberty and equality cannot be reconciled [Grayling]
There should be separate legislative, executive and judicial institutions [Grayling]
A cap on time of service would restrict party control and career ambitions [Grayling]
Experience, sympathy and history are sensible grounds for laying claim to rights [Grayling]
Politics is driven by power cliques [Grayling]
Democracies should require a supermajority for major questions [Grayling]
It is essential for democracy that voting is free and well informed [Grayling]
In an honour code shame is the supreme punishment, and revenge is a duty [Grayling]
Religion gives answers, comforts, creates social order, and panders to superstition [Grayling]
To make an afterlife appealing, this life has to be denigrated [Grayling]
In Greek mythology only heroes can go to heaven [Grayling]
Lucretius was rediscovered in 1417 [Grayling]
If suicide is lawful, but assisting suicide is unlawful, powerless people are denied their rights [Grayling]
The argument from analogy is not a strong inference, since the other being might be an actor or a robot [Grayling]