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Single Idea 23588

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 1. War / a. Just wars ]

Full Idea

With nuclear weapons, supreme emergency has become a permanent condition. …[283] But supreme emergency is never a stable position.

Gist of Idea

With nuclear weapons we have a permanent supreme emergency (which is unstable)


Michael Walzer (Just and Unjust Wars [1977], 17)

Book Ref

Walzer,Michael: 'Just and Unjust Wars' [Penguin 1984], p.274

A Reaction

The obvious instability of balanced mutual threat is a nuclear state which finds itself losing a war.

The 30 ideas with the same theme [justifications for starting a war]:

There is no greater good for a warrior than to fight in a just war [Anon (Bhag)]
For Aquinas a war must be in a just cause, have proper authority, and aim at good [Aquinas, by Grayling]
A desire to conquer, and men who do it, are always praised, or not blamed [Machiavelli]
Only Utopians fail to see glory in warfare [More,T]
The only just cause for a war is a wrong received [Vitoria]
Leaders can only attack foreigners who have done wrong (as with their own subjects) [Vitoria]
The people (who have to fight) and not the head of state should declare a war [Kant]
Wars add strength to a nation, and cure internal dissension [Hegel]
Modern wars arise from the study of history [Nietzsche]
People will enthusiastically pursue an unwanted war, once sacrifices have been made [Nietzsche]
To renounce war is to renounce the grand life [Nietzsche]
Modern wars are fought in the name of empty words which are given capital letters [Weil]
The State requires self-preservation, but the war-machine desires destruction [Deleuze]
Even non-violent intrusive acts between states count as aggression, if they justify resistance [Walzer]
The only good reason for fighting is in defence of rights [Walzer]
States can rightly pre-empt real and serious threats [Walzer]
Just wars are self-defence, or a rightful intercession in another's troubles [Walzer]
The aim of reprisals is to enforce the rules of war [Walzer]
Reprisal is defensible, as an alternative to war [Walzer]
States need not endure attacks passively, and successful reprisals are legitimate [Walzer]
With nuclear weapons we have a permanent supreme emergency (which is unstable) [Walzer]
Nuclear bombs are not for normal war; they undermine the 'just war', with a new morality [Walzer]
War must also have a good chance of success, and be waged with moderation [Grayling]
Wars can be unjust, despite a just cause, if they are unnecessary or excessive or of mixed cause [McMahan]
The worst unjustified wars have no aim at all [McMahan]
You (e.g. a police officer) are not liable to attack just because you pose a threat [McMahan]
Just war theory says all and only persons posing a threat are liable to attack [McMahan]
A defensive war is unjust, if it is responding to a just war [McMahan]
A person or state may be attacked if they are responsible for an unjustified threat [McMahan]
Just wars: resist aggression, done on just cause, proportionate, last resort, not futile, legal [Tuckness/Wolf]