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Single Idea 23664

[filed under theme 8. Modes of Existence / C. Powers and Dispositions / 2. Powers as Basic ]

Full Idea

Power is a thing so much of its own kind, and so simple in its nature, as to admit of no logical definition.

Gist of Idea

Powers are quite distinct and simple, and so cannot be defined


Thomas Reid (Essays on Active Powers 1: Active power [1788], 1)

Book Ref

Reid,Thomas: 'Inquiry and Essays', ed/tr. Beanblossom /K.Lehrer [Hackett 1983], p.199

A Reaction

True. And this makes Powers ideally suited for the role of primitives in a metaphysics of nature.

The 72 ideas from Thomas Reid

Real identity admits of no degrees [Reid]
No one thinks two sheets possess a single whiteness, but all agree they are both white [Reid]
First we notice and name attributes ('abstracting'); then we notice that subjects share them ('generalising') [Reid]
We must first conceive things before we can consider them [Reid]
Universals are not objects of sense and cannot be imagined - but can be conceived [Reid]
Only individuals exist [Reid]
Reid said that agent causation is a unique type of causation [Reid, by Stout,R]
Day and night are constantly conjoined, but they don't cause one another [Reid, by Crane]
Consciousness is the power of mind to know itself, and minds are grounded in powers [Reid]
It is obvious that there could not be a power without a subject which possesses it [Reid]
Powers are quite distinct and simple, and so cannot be defined [Reid]
Our own nature attributes free determinations to our own will [Reid]
Regular events don't imply a cause, without an innate conviction of universal causation [Reid]
Thinkers say that matter has intrinsic powers, but is also passive and acted upon [Reid]
Scientists don't know the cause of magnetism, and only discover its regulations [Reid]
Laws are rules for effects, but these need a cause; rules of navigation don't navigate [Reid]
We treat testimony with a natural trade off of belief and caution [Reid, by Fricker,M]
Reference is by name, or a term-plus-circumstance, or ostensively, or by description [Reid]
A word's meaning is the thing conceived, as fixed by linguistic experts [Reid]
Objects have an essential constitution, producing its qualities, which we are too ignorant to define [Reid]
Impossibilites are easily conceived in mathematics and geometry [Reid, by Molnar]
Reid is seen as the main direct realist of the eighteenth century [Reid, by Robinson,H]
Accepting the existence of anything presupposes the notion of existence [Reid]
Truths are self-evident to sensible persons who understand them clearly without prejudice [Reid]
Primary qualities are the object of mathematics [Reid]
Secondary qualities conjure up, and are confused with, the sensations which produce them [Reid]
It is unclear whether a toothache is in the mind or in the tooth, but the word has a single meaning [Reid]
Only mature minds can distinguish the qualities of a body [Reid]
People dislike believing without evidence, and try to avoid it [Reid]
If non-rational evidence reaches us, it is reason which then makes use of it [Reid]
Sensation is not committed to any external object, but perception is [Reid]
If you can't distinguish the features of a complex object, your notion of it would be a muddle [Reid]
The structure of languages reveals a uniformity in basic human opinions [Reid]
In obscure matters the few must lead the many, but the many usually lead in common sense [Reid]
An ad hominem argument is good, if it is shown that the man's principles are inconsistent [Reid]
The existence of tensed verbs shows that not all truths are necessary truths [Reid]
The theory of ideas, popular with philosophers, means past existence has to be proved [Reid]
If someone denies that he is thinking when he is conscious of it, we can only laugh [Reid]
The existence of ideas is no more obvious than the existence of external objects [Reid]
We are only aware of other beings through our senses; without that, we are alone in the universe [Reid]
Consciousness is an indefinable and unique operation [Reid]
There are axioms of taste - such as a general consensus about a beautiful face [Reid]
A willed action needs reasonable understanding of what is to be done [Reid]
We all know that mere priority or constant conjunction do not have to imply causation [Reid]
A motive is merely an idea, like advice, and not a force for action [Reid]
The principle of the law of nature is that matter is passive, and is acted upon [Reid]
We are morally free, because we experience it, we are accountable, and we pursue projects [Reid]
The first motion or effect cannot be produced necessarily, so the First Cause must be a free agent [Reid]
Without memory we could have no concept of duration [Reid]
We all trust our distinct memories (but not our distinct imaginings) [Reid]
Continuity is needed for existence, otherwise we would say a thing existed after it ceased to exist [Reid]
We treat slowly changing things as identical for the sake of economy in language [Reid]
Identity is familiar to common sense, but very hard to define [Reid]
Thoughts change continually, but the self doesn't [Reid]
A person is a unity, and doesn't come in degrees [Reid]
Personal identity is the basis of all rights, obligations and responsibility [Reid]
I can hardly care about rational consequence if it wasn't me conceiving the antecedent [Reid]
The identity of a thief is only known by similarity, but memory gives certainty in our own case [Reid]
Memory reveals my past identity - but so does testimony of other witnesses [Reid]
Boy same as young man, young man same as old man, old man not boy, if forgotten! [Reid]
If consciousness is transferable 20 persons can be 1; forgetting implies 1 can be 20 [Reid]
If a stolen horse is identified by similitude, its identity is not therefore merely similitude [Reid]
If consciousness is personal identity, it is continually changing [Reid]
Identity can only be affirmed of things which have a continued existence [Reid]
The ambiguity of words impedes the advancement of knowledge [Reid]
Only philosophers treat ideas as objects [Reid]
Many truths seem obvious, and point to universal agreement - which is what we find [Reid]
Similar effects come from similar causes, and causes are only what are sufficient for the effects [Reid]
If an attempted poisoning results in benefits, we still judge the agent a poisoner [Reid]
To be virtuous, we must care about duty [Reid]
Every worthy man has a principle of honour, and knows what is honourable [Reid]
We shouldn't do to others what would be a wrong to us in similar circumstances [Reid]