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Single Idea 23675

[filed under theme 23. Ethics / B. Contract Ethics / 2. Golden Rule ]

Full Idea

It is a first principle of morals, that we ought not to do to another what we should think wrong to be done to us in like circumstances.

Gist of Idea

We shouldn't do to others what would be a wrong to us in similar circumstances


Thomas Reid (Essays on Active Powers 3: Princs of action [1788], 6)

Book Ref

Reid,Thomas: 'Inquiry and Essays', ed/tr. Beanblossom /K.Lehrer [Hackett 1983], p.321

A Reaction

This negative form of the rule is more plausible than the positive form, presumably because there is more consensus about what we all dislike than what we all prefer. But presents for people that they would like, not that you like.

The 15 ideas with the same theme [treat others as you would like to be treated]:

Do not do to others what you would not desire yourself [Kongzi (Confucius)]
If people regarded other states as they did their own, they would never attack them [Mozi]
The Torah just says: do not do to your neighbour what is hateful to you [Hillel the Elder]
Treat others as you would have them treat you [Jesus]
For Hobbes the Golden Rule concerns not doing things, whereas Jesus encourages active love [Hobbes, by Flanagan]
We can't want everyone to have more than their share, so a further standard is needed [Leibniz]
The Golden Rule is accepted everywhere, and gives a fixed target for morality [Voltaire]
The better Golden Rule is 'do good for yourself without harming others' [Rousseau]
We shouldn't do to others what would be a wrong to us in similar circumstances [Reid]
The 'golden rule' cannot be a universal law as it implies no duties [Kant]
If you feel to others as they feel to themselves, you must hate a self-hater [Nietzsche]
The Golden Rule prohibits harmful actions, with the premise that actions will be requited [Nietzsche]
Loving others as ourselves implies varied love, and varied suffering [Weil]
The categorical imperative is not the Golden Rule, which concerns contingent desires [Sandel]
Universal moral judgements imply the Golden Rule ('do as you would be done by') [Hooker,B]