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Single Idea 23807

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism ]

Full Idea

The Great Beast is the great object of idolatry, the only ersatz of God. …Only one thing can be taken as an end, for in relation to the human person it possesses a kind of transcendence: this is the collective.


'ersatz' means an artificial version

Gist of Idea

The collective is the one and only object of false idolatry


Simone Weil (Gravity and Grace [1942], 'Beast')

Book Ref

Weil,Simone: 'Gravity and Grace', ed/tr. Crawford/De Ruhr [Routledge 1952], p.164

A Reaction

[Society as the Great Beast is in Republic Bk 6] She is referring to both fascist and communist states. Weil seems to be a left-wing liberal, with a tendency towards anarchism, because her priority is the individual, not the group.

The 39 ideas from 'Gravity and Grace'

It is absurd to say that evil proves life is worthless. If it were, why would evil matter? [Weil]
Without worldly affliction, we'd think this is paradise [Weil]
My love makes me believe in God; the inconceivability of this God makes me disbelieve [Weil]
We seek truth only because it is good [Weil]
Beauty, goodness and truth are only achieved by applying full attention [Weil]
If we focus on the good, our whole soul is drawn towards it [Weil]
There are two goods - the absolute good we want, and the reachable opposite of evil [Weil]
Our only social duty is to try to limit evil [Weil]
The collective is the one and only object of false idolatry [Weil]
Charity is the only love, and you can feel that for a country (a place with traditions), but not a nation [Weil]
Perfect works of art seem to be essentially anonymous [Weil]
We want our values to be eternal [Weil]
The criterion of the real is contradictions [Weil]
Anarchists thought (hopelessly) that empowering the oppressed would end evil [Weil]
We just see immortality as prolongation of life, making death meaningless [Weil]
We need love to have a good death [Weil]
We must leave on one side the ordinary 'consolations' of religion [Weil]
We should never desire the immortality of the people we love [Weil]
The good is a nothingness, and yet real [Weil]
If the world lacked evil, then the evil would be in our desires, which would be worse [Weil]
The past is known to us but unreachable - a perfect image of eternal, supernatural reality [Weil]
Obedience to an illegitimate ruler is a nightmare [Weil]
Social order is equilibrium of forces, which must be corrected when imbalanced [Weil]
Atheistic materialism must be revolutionary, because its good is in the future [Weil]
There is no oppression, or oppressive class; there is only an oppressive society [Weil]
A citizen is defined by their subjection to the laws [Weil]
Wanting new discoveries blocks good thinking about what has been discovered [Weil]
Don't reject opinions; arrange them all in a hierarchy [Weil]
Friendship is a virtue, not a state we should dream of [Weil]
The soul is the intrinsic value of a human [Weil]
Power and money are supreme means, thus blinding people to ends [Weil]
What matters about an action is not its aim, but the origin of its compulsion [Weil]
We must be obedient, and love necessity [Weil]
We should only perform the good actions which we can't help doing [Weil]
Loving others as ourselves implies varied love, and varied suffering [Weil]
Higher emotions have less energy, and actions may need the lower emotions [Weil]
Monotony is beautiful as a reflection of eternity, or atrocious as unvarying perpetuity [Weil]
Revolution (not religion) is the opium of the people [Weil]
If effort is from necessity rather than for a good, it is slavery [Weil]