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Single Idea 23853

[filed under theme 3. Truth / A. Truth Problems / 3. Value of Truth ]

Full Idea

Love of truth is not a correct form of expression. Truth is not an object of love. It is not an object at all. …Truth is the radiant manifestation of reality.

Gist of Idea

Truth is not a object we love - it is the radiant manifestation of reality


Simone Weil (The Need for Roots [1943], III 'Growing')

Book Ref

Weil,Simone: 'The Need for Roots' [Routledge 2002], p.250

A Reaction

Wow! Love that one!

The 21 ideas from 'The Need for Roots'

Even the poorest should feel collective ownership, and participation in grand display [Weil]
By making money the sole human measure, inequality has become universal [Weil]
Respect is our only obligation, which can only be expressed through deeds, not words [Weil]
Obligations only bind individuals, not collectives [Weil]
People have duties, and only have rights because of the obligations of others to them [Weil]
A lifelong head of society should only be a symbol, not a ruler [Weil]
Party politics in a democracy can't avoid an anti-democratic party [Weil]
The need for order stands above all others, and is understood via the other needs [Weil]
A citizen should be able to understand the whole of society [Weil]
The aesthete's treatment of beauty as amusement is sacreligious; beauty should nourish [Weil]
Religion should quietly suffuse all human life with its light [Weil]
The soldier-civilian distinction should be abolished; every citizen is committed to a war [Weil]
Socialism tends to make a proletariat of the whole population [Weil]
The capitalists neglect the people and the nation, and even their own interests [Weil]
Culture is an instrument for creating an ongoing succession of teachers [Weil]
The most important human need is to have multiple roots [Weil]
Beauty is the proof of what is good [Weil]
Truth is not a object we love - it is the radiant manifestation of reality [Weil]
To punish people we must ourselves be innocent - but that undermines the desire to punish [Weil]
Education is essentially motivation [Weil]
Creation produced a network or web of determinations [Weil]