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Single Idea 24074

[filed under theme 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 11. Capitalism ]

Full Idea

According to Marxists, the one market capitalism cannot do without is the labour market, which creates saleable things. Others, influenced by Keynes, emphasise financial markets, where pieces of paper change hands on expectation of their value.

Gist of Idea

Capitalism must mainly rely either on the labour market, or on the financial markets


William Davies (Review of 'The Price is Wrong' by B.Christophers [2024], 24-04-04)

Book Ref

-: 'London Review of Books' [ 0], p.23

A Reaction

Modern Britain fits the Keynesian account much better, given its low production, and very active (until recently) London financial market.

The 5 ideas from 'Review of 'The Price is Wrong' by B.Christophers'

Economies have material, economic and capitalist layers [Davies,W]
Markets are transparent, with known prices and activity, and minimal profits [Davies,W]
Capitalism is the anti-market, with opacity, monopolies, powers, exceptional profits and wealth [Davies,W]
Capitalism must mainly rely either on the labour market, or on the financial markets [Davies,W]
Capitalists use their exceptional power to impose their own rules, and make the state their ally [Davies,W]