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Single Idea 2468

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / E. Mind as Physical / 1. Physical Mind ]

Full Idea

"Type" physicalism is supposed, by general consensus, to be stronger than "token" physicalism; stronger, that is, than the mere claim that all mental states are necessarily physically instantiated.


'Type physicalism' says a given thought always has the same physical basis, not just some physical basis.

Gist of Idea

Type physicalism is a stronger claim than token physicalism


Jerry A. Fodor (In a Critical Condition [2000], Ch. 2)

Book Ref

Fodor,Jerry A.: 'In Critical Condition' [MIT 2000], p.16

A Reaction

Such philosopher's terminology always seems cut-and-dried, until you ask exactly what is identical to what. The word 'type' is a very broad concept. Are trees the same type of thing as roses? A thought always requires the same 'type' of brain event?

The 41 ideas from 'In a Critical Condition'

Maybe explaining the mechanics of perception will explain the concepts involved [Fodor]
Functionalists see pains as properties involving relations and causation [Fodor]
Type physicalism is a stronger claim than token physicalism [Fodor]
The world is full of messy small things producing stable large-scale properties (e.g. mountains) [Fodor]
Transcendental arguments move from knowing Q to knowing P because it depends on Q [Fodor]
Analysis is impossible without the analytic/synthetic distinction [Fodor]
Are concepts best seen as capacities? [Fodor]
For Pragmatists having a concept means being able to do something [Fodor]
It seems likely that analysis of concepts is impossible, but justification can survive without it [Fodor]
Don't define something by a good instance of it; a good example is a special case of the ordinary example [Fodor]
The goal of thought is to understand the world, not instantly sort it into conceptual categories [Fodor]
If to understand "fish" you must know facts about them, where does that end? [Fodor]
The theory of the content of thought as 'Mentalese' explains why the Private Language Argument doesn't work [Fodor]
It seems unlikely that meaning can be reduced to communicative intentions, or any mental states [Fodor]
Do intentional states explain our behaviour? [Fodor]
Content can't be causal role, because causal role is decided by content [Fodor]
Despite all the efforts of philosophers, nothing can ever be reduced to anything [Fodor]
Mentalese doesn't require a theory of meaning [Fodor]
Mentalese may also incorporate some natural language [Fodor]
Language is ambiguous, but thought isn't [Fodor]
Why bother with neurons? You don't explain bird flight by examining feathers [Fodor]
Modern connectionism is just Hume's theory of the 'association' of 'ideas' [Fodor]
Modules have encapsulation, inaccessibility, private concepts, innateness [Fodor]
Experience can't explain itself; the concepts needed must originate outside experience [Fodor]
According to empiricists abstraction is the fundamental mental process [Fodor]
Rationalists say there is more to a concept than the experience that prompts it [Fodor]
Something must take an overview of the modules [Fodor]
Obvious modules are language and commonsense explanation [Fodor]
Modules analyse stimuli, they don't tell you what to do [Fodor]
Blindness doesn't destroy spatial concepts [Fodor]
Modules make the world manageable [Fodor]
Babies talk in consistent patterns [Fodor]
Berkeley seems to have mistakenly thought that chairs are the same as after-images [Fodor]
How do you count beliefs? [Fodor]
Modules have in-built specialist information [Fodor]
Empirical approaches see mind connections as mirrors/maps of reality [Fodor]
If I have a set of mental modules, someone had better be in charge of them! [Fodor]
Rationalism can be based on an evolved computational brain with innate structure [Fodor]
Rationality rises above modules [Fodor]
The function of a mind is obvious [Fodor]
Turing invented the idea of mechanical rationality (just based on syntax) [Fodor]