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Single Idea 251

[filed under theme 3. Truth / A. Truth Problems / 3. Value of Truth ]

Full Idea

Truth heads the list of all things good, for gods and men alike.

Gist of Idea

Truth has the supreme value, for both gods and men


Plato (The Laws [c.349 BCE], 730c)

Book Ref

Plato: 'The Laws', ed/tr. Saunders,Trevor J [Penguin 1970], p.194

The 36 ideas with the same theme [why anyone might desire truth]:

Truth has the supreme value, for both gods and men [Plato]
Piety requires us to honour truth above our friends [Aristotle]
Falsehoods corrupt a mind, producing passions and instability [Stoic school, by Diog. Laertius]
For the mind Good is one truth among many, and Truth is one good among many [Aquinas]
Virtue is the distinctive mark of truth, and its greatest product [Montaigne]
Spinoza's life shows that love of truth which he proclaims as the highest value [MacIntyre on Spinoza]
Nothing is so beautiful to the eye as truth is to the mind [Locke]
If man sacrifices truth he sacrifices himself, by acting against his own convictions [Novalis]
What I hold true must also be part of my feelings and character [Hegel]
Truth forges an impersonal unity between people [Feuerbach]
Pure truth is for infinite beings only; I prefer endless striving for truth [Kierkegaard]
Truth has had to be fought for, and normal life must be sacrificed to achieve it [Nietzsche]
One must never ask whether truth is useful [Nietzsche]
Why do we want truth, rather than falsehood or ignorance? The value of truth is a problem [Nietzsche]
Why should truth be omnipotent? It is enough that it is very powerful [Nietzsche]
I tell the truth, even if it is repulsive [Nietzsche]
What is the search for truth if it isn't moral? [Nietzsche]
Like all philosophers, I love truth [Nietzsche]
Is the will to truth the desire to avoid deception? [Nietzsche]
Psychologists should be brave and proud, and prefer truth to desires, even when it is ugly [Nietzsche]
Truth finds fewest champions not when it is dangerous, but when it is boring [Nietzsche]
The pain in truth is when it destroys a belief [Nietzsche]
Truth was given value by morality, but eventually turned against its own source [Nietzsche]
We seek truth only because it is good [Weil]
Genius and love of truth are always accompanied by great humility [Weil]
Most people won't question an idea's truth if they depend on it [Weil]
Truth is not a object we love - it is the radiant manifestation of reality [Weil]
We should speak the truth, but also preserve and pursue it [Foot]
Antirealism about truth prevents its use as an intersubjective standard [Davidson]
Without truth, both language and thought are impossible [Davidson]
Plato's Forms confused truth with the most eminent truths, so only Truth itself is completely true [Davidson]
Truth can't be a goal, because we can neither recognise it nor confim it [Davidson]
I do not care if my trivial beliefs are false, and I have no interest in many truths [Nozick]
Speak truth only to those who deserve the truth [Sandel]
Careful evasions of truth at least show respect for it [Sandel]
We don't care about plain truth, but truth in joint-carving terms [Sider]