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Single Idea 2533

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / D. Property Dualism / 1. Reductionism critique ]

Full Idea

If you can't squeeze an 'ought' from an 'is', then the feature of normativity will prevent the reduction of Aboutness.

Gist of Idea

Rule-following can't be reduced to the physical


Scott Sturgeon (Matters of Mind [2000], Intro)

Book Ref

Sturgeon,Scott: 'Matters of Mind' [Routledge 2000], p.2

A Reaction

A dubious argument. Hume's point is that no rational inference will get you from is to ought, but you can get there on a whim. I don't see normativity as being so intrinsically magical that it is irreducible.

The 6 ideas from 'Matters of Mind'

Rule-following can't be reduced to the physical [Sturgeon]
Mindless bodies are zombies, bodiless minds are ghosts [Sturgeon]
Types are properties, and tokens are events. Are they split between mental and physical, or not? [Sturgeon]
Intentionality isn't reducible, because of its experiential aspect [Sturgeon]
The main argument for physicalism is its simple account of causation [Sturgeon]
Do facts cause thoughts, or embody them, or what? [Sturgeon]