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Single Idea 2620

[filed under theme 17. Mind and Body / A. Mind-Body Dualism / 1. Dualism ]

Full Idea

The official theory of mind (as private, non-spatial, outside physical laws) I call 'the dogma of the Ghost in the Machine'. I hope to prove it entirely false, and show that it is one big mistake, namely a 'category mistake'.

Gist of Idea

Dualism is a category mistake


Gilbert Ryle (The Concept of Mind [1949], I (2))

Book Ref

Ryle,Gilbert: 'The Concept of Mind' [Penguin 1949], p.17

A Reaction

This is the essence of Ryle's eliminitavist behaviourism. Personally I agree that the idea of a separate 'ghost' running the machine is utterly implausible, but it isn't a 'category mistake'. The mind clearly exists, but the confusion is about what it is.

The 26 ideas from Gilbert Ryle

There are no propositions; they are just sentences, used for thinking, which link to facts in a certain way [Ryle]
When I utter a sentence, listeners grasp both my meaning and my state of mind [Ryle]
'Propositions' name what is thought, because 'thoughts' and 'judgments' are too ambiguous [Ryle]
Several people can believe one thing, or make the same mistake, or share one delusion [Ryle]
If you like judgments and reject propositions, what are the relata of incoherence in a judgment? [Ryle]
Husserl and Meinong wanted objective Meanings and Propositions, as subject-matter for Logic [Ryle]
Logic studies consequence, compatibility, contradiction, corroboration, necessitation, grounding.... [Ryle]
A true proposition seems true of one fact, but a false proposition seems true of nothing at all. [Ryle]
Two maps might correspond to one another, but they are only 'true' of the country they show [Ryle]
Representation assumes you know the ideas, and the reality, and the relation between the two [Ryle]
If we accept true propositions, it is hard to reject false ones, and even nonsensical ones [Ryle]
We may think in French, but we don't know or believe in French [Ryle]
Many sentences do not state facts, but there are no facts which could not be stated [Ryle]
We can't do philosophy without knowledge of types and categories [Ryle]
Behaviour depends on desires as well as beliefs [Chalmers on Ryle]
You can't explain mind as dispositions, if they aren't real [Benardete,JA on Ryle]
How can behaviour be the cause of behaviour? [Chalmers on Ryle]
Philosophy aims to become more disciplined about categories [Ryle]
We cannot introspect states of anger or panic [Ryle]
Reporting on myself has the same problems as reporting on you [Ryle]
Dualism is a category mistake [Ryle]
Can one movement have a mental and physical cause? [Ryle]
A dispositional property is not a state, but a liability to be in some state, given a condition [Ryle]
No physical scientist now believes in an occult force-exerting agency [Ryle]
I cannot prepare myself for the next thought I am going to think [Ryle]
The values of variables can't determine existence, because they are just expressions [Ryle, by Quine]